Baigent Crondal Records







Part 3 (Page 75-135)




THIS Compotus forms part of the Roll of A.D. 1248, in the second year of Prior

John of Caux, one of whose kinsfolk is mentioned, "Reginald of Caux," under

the "Expensae forinsecae." It is inserted here, because Sutton was a portion

of the Manor of Crondal.


REDDITUS. - WILLELMUS ET HENRICUS servientes et Radulphus praepositus

reddunt compotum de lviijs. xd. ob. de redditu assisae in Manerio de Sutchona.

Et de vijs. ixd. ob. de pundpany.

Summa lxvjs. viijd.


((Page 76))

ACQUIETANCIAE. - In acquietancia j praepositi per annum xxjd. In

acquietancia unius carucarii per annum xixd. ob. In acquietancia unius

bercarii per annum xixd. ob. In acquietancia unius fabri per annum iijs. qr.

Summa acquietancium viijs. qr.


DEFECTUS. - In defectu terrae Kuring tractaeo in dominicum vs. ixd. ob.

In defectu terrae Sorlonis tractae in dominicum xviijd.

Summa dofectuum vijs. iijd. ob.

Summa acquietantium et defectuum xvs. iijd. ob. qr.

Summa remanens reddituum, allocationum, acquietantium et defectuum ljs.

iiijd. qr.


EXITUS MANERII. - Idem reddit compotum de vijs. ixd. de pannagio porcorum

et de xd. de uno coreo equi vendito. Et de vjs. vjd. de j bove debili

vendito. Et de ixs. ixd. de ix multonibus ante tonsuram venditis. Et de

iijs. vjd. de iij multonibus post tonsuram venditis. Et de iiijs. ijd. de v

multonibus post tonsuram venditis. Et de xvjd. de j multone et j hurcardo

debilibus venditis ante tonsuram. Et de vs. de x multonibus ante tonsuram

venditis de catallo cujusdam latronis suspensi. Et de vjd. de ij pellibus

hoggorum de catallo ejusdom ante tonsuram venditis. Et de ixd. de vjlb. de

Lok lana venditis. Et de ljs. xjd. de hundredo pro secatura de procario

relaxata, quia in defectu sunt. Vs. videlicet, de terra de la potte viijd.;

de terra de Cheldewell iiijd.; de terra de bosco viijd.; de terra praepositi

de Crundalle viijd. et Sutchona hoc anno; de terra le futur et Walteri de

Cheldewell viijd.; et de terra Radulphi de Hyatele xvjd. Et de vjd. de viij

pellibus venditis post tonsuram. Et de iiuli. iiijs. de ij ponderibus et iij

clavis lanae venditis.

Summa viijli. xvjs. vjd.


BLADI VENDITIO. - Idem reddit compotum de iiijli. xixs. iiijd. de xix

quarteriis et dimidio frumenti venditis. Et de xljs. ixd. ob. de xqu. et

jbus. mixtelli venditis. Et de vijs. ijd. ob. de jqu. dim. et ijbus. ordei

venditis. Et de xs. xd. ob. de iiijqu. dim. et jbus. avonae venditis. Et de

xvd. de ijbus. fabarum venditis. Et de ijs. iiijd. de dim. qu. viscae

vendito. Summa viijli. ijs. ixd. ob.


PERQUISITA. - Idem reddit compotum de iiijd. de Waltero le Franceis ut

possit ire et redire. Et de vjs. de tithinga Sancti Martini et Hockeday. Et

de iijs. de tithinga pro escapio eujusdam mulieris. Et de vjd. de Nicholao

Kuring pro assisa corvisiae fracta. Et de xxxiijs. iiijd. de Ricardo filio

Ricardi Merwini pro fine terrae. Et de xxvs. de Tallagio.

Summa lxviijs. ijd.

Summa totius receptus xxijli. xviijs. ixd. ob. qr.


EXPENSAE NECESSARIAE. - In calibe empto ad ij carucas per annum vs. vd.

propter siccitatem aestatis. In ij paribus rotarum ad carucas emptis vjd. In

j pari rotarum ad carotam ad fimum trahendum xxjd. ob. ((Page 77)) In ij axis ad

caretas emptis iiijd. ob. In caretis ferro emendandis vjd. In una corda ad

caretam empta iijd. ob. In clutis et clavis emptis iiijd. In uncto et sapone

vjd. In ij coleribus et j culari vjd. ob. In ij affris ad carucas emptis

xviijs. vjd. In j bove empto xs. vjd. In ferramentis unius equi caretarii

iijd. In iiij capistris faciendis jd. In vij ulnis de canabo emptis ad lanam

saccandam xvjd. In portico aulae cooperiendo ad tascam iijd. In bercaria

cooperienda et pariete wiscando xviijd. In una besca empta jd. ob. In j voge

emendando ob. In una civera cum rota ijd. In ij magnis corballis vjd. In

curtillagio fodiendo ad fabas xiiijd. In fabis ibidem plantandis iijd. ob.

In j bussello salis ijd. In j hercia facienda jd. ob. In vij precariis

carucarum in yeme et v in quadragesima, quia arabunt xij acras ijs. In liiij

quarteriis frumenti trituratis et ventilatis ixs. In xvqu. dim. et jbus.

ordei Ivernagii trituratis et ventilatis ijs. vijd. ob. In xxxviijqu. et dim.

ordei trituratis et ventilatis iiijs. ixd. ob. qr. In cxxqu. vjbus. avenae

trituratis et ventilatis vijs. vjd. ob. In dimidio quart. fabarum triturato

et ventilato jd. In jqr. viscae triturato et ventilato jd. ob. In ijbus.

pisarum trituratis et ventilatis, ob. In stipendio unius carucarii et ij

bovariorum per annum, ixs. In stipendio unius caretarii per annum iijs. In

uno tasso de furagio cooperiendo vd. In xcv acris frumenti secandis cum ordeo

Ivernagio ad tascham xxxixs. vijd. In lxj acris de ordeo, avena, fabis, piso,

et visca secandis xxijs. xd. ob. In precariis xxxiiij hominum qui secaverunt

xij acras avenae ijs. iijd. In carne, piscibus, et cervisia ad opus

servientium et praepositi per autumpnum emptis iijs. xd. In mercede unius

tassatorum per iiij dies viijd. In expensis xiiij caretariorum per j diem

xiiijd. In mercede unius mulieris custodientis domos et facientis pn% per

autumpnum xd. In stipendis Willelmi de Lada vjs. viijd. In v saccis ad

bladum xvjd.

Summa viijli. iijs. jd.


EXPENSAE FORINSECAE. - In expensis W. servientis de Estona, Reginaldi de

Cauz cum ij sociis xijd. In expensis Thomae Aucupis et aliorum

supervenientium xijd.

Summa ijs.

Summa utriusque expensae viijli. vs. jd.


LIBERATIONES. - In liberatione Ricardo de Worstona et J. clerico per iij

tallias xxxiiijs. ixd. ob. In liberatione W. et J. clericis per iij tallias

cviijs. jd. ob. In liberatione praeposito de Crundalle per j talliam xxxs.

vjd. In liberatione de lana iiijli. iiijs. In liberatione Priori vs.

Summa totius liberationis xiijli. vs. vd.

Summa totius liberationis et expensae xxjli. xs. vjd.

Et debet xxviijs. iijd. ob. qr.


((Page 78))

EXITUS GRANGIAE. - Idem reddit compotum de lxijqu. dim. ijbus. de toto

exitu frumenti. Et de vqu. provenientibus de chersetto. Summa lxvijqu. dim.,

et ijbus. ; unde in semine lxxix acrarum in Middelfeld xviijqu. et dim. In

consuetudine ecclesiie vbus. In consuetudine de Withmundele iijbus. In

defectu terrae Curing vbus. In liberatione W. servienti jqu. dim. et iijbus.

In xxxiiij hominibus qui metebant xij acras, iijbus. In expensis servientis,

praepositi, caretanorum, jqu. dim. jbus. in autumpno. In dono Domini ijbus.

In misso Curtario xxiiijqu. In supravenditis xixqu. et dim.; et aequatur.


ORDEUM IVERNAGII. - Idem reddit compotum de xviijqu. de toto exitu ordei

Ivernagii; unde in semino xvi acrarum vjqu. et dim. In supravenditis xqu. et

dim. et jbus. In misso apud Crundalle jqu. et iijbus.; et aequatur.


ORDEUM. - Idem reddit compotum de xlvjqu. jbus. de toto exitu ordei; unde

in semine xv acrarum vijqu. ijbus. In liberatione W. servienti iiijqu. jbus.

In liberatione iiij famulorum per annum xxvjqu. In misse apud Crundalle

vijqu. In supravenditis jqu. dim. et ijbus.


AVENA. - Idem reddit compotum de cxlixqu. jbus. de toto exitu avenae;

unde in semine lxxxvij acrarum lqu. In missa apud Crundalle liiijqu. In

praebenda j equi caretarii per annum vijqu. In praebenda iiij affrorum a

Nativitate Domini usque ad Pentecosten xqu. et dim. In bobus sustentatis per

aestimationem ixqu. In praebenda servientis de Estona et supervenientium per

annum iijbus. In praebenda O((liveri)) Senescalli per suos adventus vbus. In

dono Domini xiijqu. In supravenditis iiijqu. dim et jbus.


FABAE. - Idem reddit compotum de ((de)) iiijbus. fabarum. In semine ijbus.

In supravenditis ijbus.; et aequatur.


PISUM. - Idem reddit compotum de ijbus. pisi; unde in semine unius acrae

et dimidiae ijbus. ; et aequatur.


VISCA. - Idem reddit compotum de jqu. jbus. de toto exitu viscae. Unde in

semine iij acrarum et dimidiae dim. qu. et jbus. In supravenditis dim. qu.,

et aequatur.


INSTAURUM. - Idem reddit compotum de ij equis caretariis remanentibus

anni praeteriti. In morina j, et remanet j.


AFFRI. - Idem reddit compotum de iiij affris remanentibus anni

praeteriti, et de ij supraemptis. Summa vi. In furato j, et remanent v.


BOVES. - Idem reddit compotum de xvj bobus remanentibus anni praeteriti

et de j supraempto, et de j proveniente de testamento Ricardi Merwine. Summa

xviiij. In supravendito j, et remanent xvij.


MULTONES. - Idem reddit compotum de ccxcvij multonibus remanentibus anni

praeteriti, et de lxxj receptis de Crundalle post tonsuram. ((Page 79)) Summa

ccclxviij. In supravenditis ante tonsuram xxj. In morina xiij ante tonsuram.

In supravenditis viij post tonsuram. In expensis Prioris ii. In mortuis de

morina post tonsuram viij. Summa lij, et remanent cccxvj.


LANA. - Idem reddit compotum de cclxviij velleribus lanae. In

consuetudine bercario j. In decima xxvj. In missis ad Bertona ccxxxvj

velleribus, quae fecerunt ij pondera et iij clavas.


PELLES. - Idem reddit compotum de xiij pellibus multonum ante tonsuram,

et viij post tonsuram. In venditis x; in missis ad Bertona xj, et nil



PORCI. - Idem reddit compotum de j sue, et v purcellis remanentibus anni

praeteriti, et de ij purcellis provenientibus de exitu. Summa viij, et



GALLINAE. - Idem reddit compotum de i gallina remanente anni praeteriti

et de vij gallinis provenientibus de chersetto. Summa viij, et remanent.


OVA. - Idem reddit compotum de xxx ovis de redditu. In expensis domus et

supervenientium omnia.


VOMERES. - Idem reddit compotum de j vomere de redditu Henrici de Caleto.

In dono Prioris j, et nil remanet.





RENTS. - William and Henry, the Serjeants, and Ralph, the Provost, make

return of 58s. 1O 1/2d. from the Rent of Assize in the Manor of Sutton. And

of 7s. 9 1/2d. of pondpany. Total, 66s. 8d.


ACQUITTANCES. - Acquittance of one Provost for the year, 21d. Of one

carter for the year, 19 1/2d. Of one shepherd for the year, 19 1/2d. Of one

smith for the year, 3s. O 1/4d. Total of acquittances, 8s. O 1/4d.


DEFAULTS. - In default of Kuring's land drawn into demesne, 5s. 9 1/2d.

In default of Serlo's land drawn into demesne, 18d.

Total of defaults, 7s. 3 1/2d.

Total remaining of rents, allowances, acquittances, and defaults, 51s. 4 1/4d.


OUTGOINGS OF THE MANOR. - The same renders account of 7s. 9d. for pannage

of pigs. And of 10d. for a horse's skin sold. And of 6s. 6d. for a weak ox

sold. And of 9s. 9d. for nine sheep sold before shearing, and of 3s. 6d. for

three sheep sold after shearing. And of 4s. 2d. for five sheep sold after

shearing. And of 16d. for one sheep and one ram ((Page 80)) both weak, sold

before shearing. And of 5s. for ten sheep sold before shearing out of the

property of a certain robber who had been hung. And of 6d. for two skins of

hoggets, belonging to the same man, sold before shearing. And of 9d. for six

pounds of lock-wool sold. And of 51s. 11d. from the Hundred for release from

customary hay cutting, because they are in default Five shillings, namely,

from de la Potte land, 8d.; Cheldewell land, 4d.; woodland, 8d.; land of Ralph

of Yateley, 16d. And of 6d. for eight skins sold after shearing. And #4. 4s.

for two weighs and three nails of wool sold.

Total, #8. 16s. 6d.


SALE OF CORN. - He also renders account of #4. 19s. 4d. for nineteen and

a half quarters of wheat sold. And #2. 1s. 9 1/2d for ten quarters and one

bushel of mixed wheat sold. And 7s. 2 1/2d. for one and a half quarters and

two bushels of barley sold. And 10s. 10 1/2d. for four and a half quarters

and one bushel of barley sold. And of 15d. for two bushels of beans sold.

And 2s. 4d. for half a quarter of vetches sold. Total, #8. 2s. 9 1/2d.


PERQUISITES. - He also renders account of 4d. from Walter le Franceis for

power to go and return. And of 6s. from the Tithing at St. Martin and

Hockeday. And of 3s. from the Tithing for the escape of a certain woman. And

of 6d. from Nicholas Kuring for breaking assise of beer. And of #1. 13s. 4d.

from Richard, son of Richard Merwine, for a land fine. And of 25s. from


Total, #3. 8e. 2d.

Total of Receipts, #22. 18s. 9 3/4d.


NECESSARY OUTGOINGS. - Steel bought for two ploughs for the year, 5s.

5d., by reason of the dry summer. Two pair of wheels bought for the ploughs,

6d. One pair of wheels for the dungcart, 21 1/2d. Two axles bought for

carts, 4 1/2d. Carts mended with iron, 6d. A cord for a cart, 3 1/2d.

Holdfasts and nails, 4d. Grease and soap, 6d. Two collars and one back strap

(?), 6 1/2d. Two horses bought for the ploughs, 18s. 6d. One ox, 10s. 6d.

Shoeing one carthorse, 3d. Four halters, 1d. Seven ells of canvas to make

woolsacks, 16d. Covering the hall-porch, by task work, 3d. Roofing the

sheep-pen, and wattling the walls, 18d. A spade, 1 1/2d. Mending a "voga"

(?), 1/2d. A handbarrow with a wheel, 2d. Two great baskets, 6d. Digging

the curtilage for beans, 14d. Planting beans there, 3 1/2d. A bushel of

salt, 2d. Making a harrow, 1 1/2d. Seven days' work of ploughs in Winter and

five in Lent, as they ploughed twelve acres, 2s. Fifty-four quarters of wheat

ground and winnowed, 9s. Fifteen and a half quarters and a bushel of winter

barley ground and winnowed, 2s. 7 1/2d. Thirty-eight and a half quarters of

barley ground and winnowed, 49. 9 3/4d. One hundred and twenty ((Page 81))

quarters six bushels of oats ground and winnowed, 7s. 6 1/2d. Half a quarter

of beans ground and winnowed, 1d. A quarter of vetches ground and winnowed, 1

1/2d. Two bushels of pease ground and winnowed, 1/2d. Pay of a ploughman

and two herdmen for the year, 9s. Pay of a carter for the year, 3s. Thatching

a rick of forage, 5d. Cutting ninety-five acres of wheat, with winter barley

by taskwork, 39s. 7d. Cutting sixty-one acres of barley, oats, beans, peas,

and vetches, 22s. 10 1/2d. Day's work of thirty-four men, who cut twelve

acres of oats, 2s. 3d. Meat, fish, and beer, bought for the sergeants and

provost for the Autumn, 3s. 10d. Hire of one of the haymakers for four days,

8d. Expenses of fourteen carters for one day, 14d. Hire of a woman keeping

house and making provision (preparing food) through Autumn, 10d. Pay of

William of Lada, 6s. 8d. Five sacks for corn, 16d.

Total, #8. 3s. 1d.


UNUSUAL OUTGOINGS. - Cost of W., sergeant of Eston, of Reginald de Cauz

with two companions, 12d. Cost of Thomas the birdcatcher and

other visitors, 12d.

Total, 2s.

Total of both outgoings, #8. 5s. 1d.


LIVERIES. - Livery of Richard of Worston and J. the clerk by three

tallies, 34s. 9 1/2d. Livery of W. and J., clerks, by three tallies, #5. 8s. 1

1/2d. Livery of the provost of Crundal by one tally, 33s. 6d. Livery of wool,

#4. 4s. Livery to the Prior, 5s.

Total of all Livery, #13. 5s. 5d.

Total of all Livery and outgoings, #21. 10s. 6d.

And deficit, 25s. 3 3/4d.


OUTGOINGS OF THE GRANGE. - He also renders account of sixty-two and a

half quarters two bushels total outgoings of wheat, and five quarters arising

from churchshot; total, sixty-seven and a half quarters two bushels. Of

these, for seed for seventy-nine acres in Middlefeld, eighteen and a half

quarters. In customary payment to the Church, five bushels. In customary

payment of Withmundele, three bushels. In default of Curing's land, five

bushels. In livery to W. the sergeant, one and a half quarters three bushels.

For thirty-four men mowing twelve acres, three bushels. Expenses of

sergeants, provost, carters, one and a half quarters one bushel in Autumn.

Gift to my lord, two bushels. Sent to the curtarius, twenty-four quarters.

Sold, nineteen and a half quarters. And it balances.


WINTER BARLEY. - He also renders account of eighteen quarters, the whole

outgoing of winter barley; from this in seed for sixteen acres, six and a half

quarters. Sold, ten and a half quarters one bushel. Sent to Crundalle, one

quarter three bushels. And it balances.


((Page 82))

BARLEY. - He also renders account of forty-six quarters one bushel, the

whole outgoing of barley; of this, in seed, for fifteen acres seven quarters

two bushels. Livery to W. the sergeant, four quarters one bushel. Livery to

four servants for the year, twenty-six quarters. Sent to Crundalle, seven

quarters. Sold, one and a half quarters two bushels.


OATS. - He also renders account of 149 quarters one bushel, the whole

outgoing of oats; of this, in seed, for eighty-seven acres fifty quarters.

Sent to Crundalle, fifty-four quarters. Provender for one carthorse for the

year, seven quarters. Provender for one horse from Christmas to Whitsuntide,

ten and a half quarters. Oxen fed, by estimate, nine quarters. Provision

for the Eston sergeants and visitors during the year, three bushels.

Provision for O((liver)) the seneschal for his visits, five bushels, Gift to

the lord, thirteen quarters. Sold, four and a half quarters one bushel.


BEANS. - He also renders account of four bushels of beans. For seed, two

bushels; sold, two bushels. And it balances.


PEASE. - Also of two bushels of pease; of which for seed of one and a

half acre, two bushels. And it balances.


VETCHES. - Also of one quarter one bushel, the whole outgoing of vetches.

Of this, in seed for three and a half acres, half a quarter one bushel. Sold,

half quarter. And it balances.


STORE. - Also of two cart horses remaining from the year before. One died

in murrain; one remains.


HORSES. - Also of four horses from the year before, and two bought,

Total, six. One stolen. Five remain.


OXEN. - Also of sixteen oxen from the year before, and one bought, and

one received through the will of Richard Merwine. Total, eighteen. One sold.

Seventeen remain.


SHEEP. - Also of 297 sheep from the year before, and of 71 received from

Crundalle after shearing. Total, 368. Sold before shearing, twenty-one; died

of murrain before shearing, thirteen; sold eight after shearing. For the

Prior, two; dead of murrain after shearing, eight. Total, fifty-two. And

there remain 316.


WOOL. - Also of 268 fleeces of wool. Custom to the shepherd, one. Tithe,

twenty-six. Sent to Berton, 236 fleeces, making two weighs and three nails.


SKINS. - Also of thirteen skins of sheep before shearing, and eight

after. Sold, ten. Sent to Berton, eleven. And none remain.


((Page 83))

PIGs. - Also of one sow and five little pigs from the year before, and

two little pigs coming from the outgoings. Total, eight; which all remain.


HENS. - Also of one hen from the year before, and seven hens coming from

Churchshot. Total, eight; which all remain.


EGGs. - Also of thirty eggs of rent. A))l consumed in the house and by



PLOUGHSHARES. - Also of one ploughshare from the rent of Henry of Caux.

Given to the Prior, one. And nothing remains.





Customal and Rental Rolls.


From the Custumal and Rental of St. Swithun's Priory, Winchester


THE following Record of the Customs, etc., of the Manor of Crondal comes from

a MS. in the Cathedral Library of Winchester. It is all in the same hand on

parchment, beautifully written and in excellent condition, in folio, of 185

ff. (but as 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46, have been twice numbered, the true number

of leaves is 190). There has been some misplacement of leaves when the MS.

was bound, for a footnote says:- "The folios after fo. 180 used to precede the

fo. 177, and so stood before the volume was bound. E.S."; i.e., the folios now

numbered 177-180, in the same handwriting, but in a paler ink, including the

last page (177r.) of Hoghton, and all Wolricheston, originally came after ff.

181 - 185, which contain the Customs of Wonsyngton, in the darker ink.


This fine MS. is all in the handwriting of John of Guildford, who was one

of the monks of the Priory of St. Swithun, Winchester. The earlier date in

the Volume is under Wolricheston (177v.), where it is stated that it is a copy

of a Customary of that Manor drawn up there in A.D. 1221. Other dates are:

Whitchurch, A.D. 1251 (fol. 6Or.); the Chamberlain's Estate at Chilbolton,

A.D. 1261 (fol. 56v.); Berthon, A.D. 1287 (fol. 12r., and as this date stands

at the heading of the first Manor described, it has usually, though

incorrectly, been taken as the date of the MS.); then Houghton, A.D. 1304

(fol. 173r.); then on fol. 68v., at the end of Henton, there are inscribed

three deeds, with ((Page 84)) their dates, A.D. 1318, 1323, and 1325. Lastly in

one of the introductory leaves (11r.) is found a list of sheep and lambs to be

sent to Winchester in the year 1343. It is therefore plain (even allowing

that this final entry might have been subsequent to the rest of the MS.,

though it is in the same handwriting) that the MS. belongs to the middle of

the 14th Century, some time after A.D. 1325.


The book contains the feudal customs, services, and payments due from the

holders of lands, etc., in twenty-four Manors belonging to the Prior and

Convent of St. Swithun, and is a treasure-house of curious local information

as to usages, topography, and genealogy. And of these the Customs of Crondal

are as interesting and as full as any, and shew in what way the sustentation

of a great Monastery, with its sixty Monks or more, and its large body of

dependents and servants, was provided for year by year. The Crondal Customary

(occupying ff. 132v. to 150v.) is the largest in the book, with the exception

of that of the huge Manor of Berthon or Barton, which takes 21 folios.


It is divided into (1) Crondale, (2) Swandrop, (3) Yatelegh, (4)

Brambesshate and Hallie, (5) Suthwode, (6) Alresshate, (7) Dupehale, (8)

Crokham; and shews a total return to the Priory, "with Pundpany and Honey," of

#53. 7s. 0d. (or about #585 of the money of our time).



Transcript of ff. 132v.-150v. of the MS. Rental of the Priory of St. Swithun, written by Brother John of Guldeford. It includes all the Returns, Services, and Customs of the Manor of Crondal.




Johannes Ailmondus tenet unam Croftam et Domum. Reddendo unde annuatim

xjs. Et inveniet unum hominem in autumpno ad precariam domini.


Willelmus de Aswelle tenet unum cotagium continens xv acras. Reddendo

inde per annum viijs. de gabulo, et iijd. de Pondpany ad festum Sancti

Andreae, et unam gallinam et unum gallum ad festum Sancti Martini, ad

chersettum. Et inveniet unum hominem ad tria precaria, vel faciet duas

operationes in qualibet ebdomada a festo Sancti Michaelis usque ad festum

Sancti Petri ad Vincula. Unde si triturat triturabit pro opere unius diei iij

bussellos et dimidium de frumento vel vj bussellos ordei vel xij bussellos

avenarum. Et in autumpno in ((Page 85)) qualibet ebdomoda metet unam acram

cujuscunque bladi fuerit quamdiu necesse fuerit. Et inveniet unwm hominem ad

duas precarias in autumpno. Et faciet in autumpno de virgis domini iij cleyas

et virgas inde colliget pro opera unius diei. Et claudet unam perticatam

circa bladum domini in campo, et virgas, scilicet clausturam, colliget. Et si

habet carectam cariabit de curia domini x pottatas fimi in Cumgarstonefore et

alibi per totos campos. Nec potest equum sibi pullenatum nec bovum sibi

vitulatum vendere sine licentia domini. Et si vendiderit equum per licentiam,

dabit domino vjd. pro equo et pro bove quatuor. Et si dominus voluerit

retinere equum vel bovom ad opus suum habebit equum sex denarios minus vel

bovem quatuor denarios minus quam vendi possit. Nec potest filiam suam

maritare sine redemptione, et pannagiabit porcos suos sicut virgarii.


Wilhelmus Dal tenet domum et croftam. Reddendo inde annuatim iijs. ad

festum S. Michaelis. Idem tenet xxvj acras et dimidiam de purprestura.

Reddendo inde annuatim xviijs. ixd. ad festum S. Michaelis, de quibus quatuor

solidi sunt in defectu pro quatuor acris in Bovenhurst, quae modo sunt in



Idem tenet unam placeam pro jd. et inveniet unum ad precariam in



Johannes le Fotour tenet unum cotagium continens xv acras et dimidiam.

Reddendo inde annuatim viijs. ad festum S. Michaelis, iijd. de Pondpany, et ij

gallinas de Chersetto, vol faciet sicut Willelmus de Asshwelle. Et inveniet

unum hominem ad tres precarias in autumpno.


Willelmus le Kyng et Walterus Daniel tenent unum cotagium continens xiij

acras. Reddendo inde annuatim viijs. de Gabulo et iijd. de Pondpany ad festum

S. Andreae et ij gallinas ad festum S. Martini de Chersetto, vel faciet, in

omnibus servicia sicut Willelmus de Asshwelle.


Ricardus Petypas et Alfreys tenent unum cotagium continens xiij acras.

Reddendo inde annuatim viijs. iijd. de Pondpany ad festum S. Andreae, et duas

gallinas de Chersetto ad festum S. Martini, vel facient omnia servicia sicut

dictus Willelmus de Asshwelle. Et invenient hominem ad iij precarias. Idem

Petipas tenet unam acram de dominico. Reddendo vjd.


Ricardus Hosecok et Walterus de Nywoman tenent unum cotagium continens xv

acras. Reddendo inde viijs. ad dictum terminum et iijd. de Pondpany. Et ij

gallinas de chersetto vel facient sicut Willelmus de Asshwelle. Et invenient

unum hominem ad iij precarias in autumpno.


Simon le Blund et Ricardus Stare tenent unum, cotagium continens xv

acras. Reddendo inde annuatim viijs. et iijd. de Pondpany. ((Page 86)) Et ij

gallinas de Chersetto ad dictum terminum. Et invenient unum hominem ad iij

precarias in autumpno vel facient in omnibus sicut dictus Willelmus.


Johannes de Sterclesdene tenet unum cotagium continens xj acras et

dimidiam. Reddendo inde viijs. et iijd. de Pondpany, et ij gallinas de

chersetto ad dictum terminum. Et inveniet unum hominem ad iij precarias in

autumpno vel facient in omnibus sicut dictus Willelmus.


Radulfus de Burgate tenet unum cotagium continens x acras et dim.

Reddendo inde viijs. et iijd. de Pondpany, et ij gallinas de Chersetto ad

dictum terminum et inveniet unum hominem ad iij precarias in autumpno et

faciet, in omnibus sicut dictus Willelmus.


Matildis Athelard tenet j cotagium continens xi acras. Reddendo inde et

faciendo sicut dictus Radulfus.


Simon Herbert tenet j cotagium continens xj acras. Reddendo inde

annuatim et faciendo in omnibus sicut dictus Radulfus.


Edmundus Carucator tenet unum cotagium continens xiij acras. Reddendo

inde et faciendo in omnibus sicut dictus Radulfus.


Petrus de la Hacche tenet j cotagium dimidium continens viij acras et

dim. Reddendo, etc.


Amicia tenet unum messuagium et unam acram. Reddendo inde annuatim

quatuor solidos ad dictum terminum. Et inveniet unum hominem ad j precariam

in autumpno.


Ricardus Hayward tenet dimidium cotagium continens vij acras et dim

Reddendo inde annuatim ivs. ad festum S. Michaelis. Et jd. ob. de Pondpany,

et unam gallinam de Chersetto, et de omnibus faciet sicut alii de dimidio



Radulphus Gosenold tenet dimidium cotagium continens vij acras et j

perticam. Reddendo inde et faciendo in omnibus sicut dictus Ricardus.


Omnes supradicti cotarii tenent in communi duas acras de dominico.

Reddendo inde annuatim ad festum Sancti Michaelis ijs. et jacent praedictae

acrae in La Huslonde supra quas terrae eorum extenduntur.



{Summa cotagiorum xiii, unde j et dim. tractatur in dominicum.

{Summa redditus vjli. ixs. vijd. }

{Summa de Pondpany iijs. iijd. } Summa utriusque vjli. xijs. xd.

{Summa Gallinarum de Chorsetto xxvj, quia tres sunt in defectu.




Johannes Chapellayn tenet j virgatam terrae continentem xxiiij acras per

perticam xvj pedum et dim. Unde quaelibet acra est ad longitudinem xl

perticarum et ad latitudinem iv perticarum. Reddendo inde ((Page 87)) annuatim

ije. et ixd. de Gabulo. Unde reddit ad festum S. Mich. xvd. et ad festum S.

Thomae Apostoli vjd. et ad festum Annunciationis Beatae Mariae vjd. et ad

festum Beati Johannis Baptistae vjd. et ixd. ob. de Pondpany et v bussellos

frumenti, excepto uno bacino de Chersetto die S. Martini et unam gallinam

contra Natale Domini et quinque ova ad Pascha. Et ad semen hiemale arabit iij

acras et pro tertia acra habebit duos denarios. Et similiter in quadragesima

arabit iij acras et inde habebit pro tertia acra ijd. Et portabit semen a

curia domini ad seminandum praedictas acras et quatuor ex illis acris

herciabit. Et praeterea herciabit in quadragesima unam acram quae dicitur

Dustlond. Et cariabit bis in anno buscam ad curiam domini cum caretta sua, et

triturabit contra Natale unum buscellum et dimidium frumenti. Et ad Warettum

cariabit, et inveniet unum hominem per vj dies ad sarclandum blada domini

usque ad Nonam, et in autumpno metet quinque acras et cariabit per duos dies,

et sparget foenum et levabit et cariabit una eum aliis de Manerio, et claudet

prata, et similiter claudet unam perticam circa Curiam domini. Et inveniet

unum hominem ad duas precarias in autumpno de Crondal, et iv homines per duos

dies ad precariam de Sutton, vel pro opere de Sutton dabit viijd. et cariabit

per duos dies in autumpno. Et colliget xvj cumulos de stipula. Et in quolibet

cumulo erunt quinque garbae. Et cariabit meremium ad domos Curiae

aedificandas. Et faciet una cum aliis tassum de foragio. Et foragium

portabit extra boveriam domini, quando boves poni debent in stallis suis in

boveria. Et pannagiabit porcos suos. Et faciet domino dimidium quarterium

brasei si opus fuerit. Et dabit domino auxilium annuale. Nec potest equum

suum nec bovem vendere sine licentia domini. Et si vendiderit per licentiam,

tunc dabit sex denarios pro equo. Et si dominus ilium emere voluerit tunc

remittet domino vj denarios et iiij denarios de bove. Nec potest filiam suam

maritare sine redemptione.


Willelmus le Hurst tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxxiij acras

dim. Reddendo inde per annum ijs. ixd. de Gabulo ad praedictos terminos. Et

ixd. ob. de Pondpany et v bussellos frumenti excepto uno bacino de Chersetto

ad festum S. Martini, et j gallinam contra Natale et v ova ad Pascha. Et in

omnibus aliis faciet sicut Johannes Chapellayn.


Johannes de la Rugge tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxxj acras

dim. Reddendo inde per annum ad praedictos terminos ijs. ixd. et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et j bussellum frumenti de Chersetto et j gallinam contra Natale

Domini et v ova ad Pascha. Et faciet in omnibus serviciis sicut dictus

Johannes Chapellayn. Idem dabit domino annuatim unum vomerem de redditu pro



((Page 88))

Galfridus de la Rugge tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem lij acras.

Reddendo inde annuatim ijs. ixd. de gabulo ad dictos terminos, et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et unum Chersettum frumenti, et unam gallinam contra Natale et v ova

ad Pascha. Et iv vomeres de novo bosco. Idem tenet unam acram de

purprestura. Et reddit id. Et faciet in omnibus servicia sicut dictus

Johannes Chapellayn.


Martinus de la Rugge tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxxix acras.

Reddendo inde per annum ad festum S. Mich. vs. et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et

unum vomerem et j Chersettum frumenti, et unam gallinam contra Natale, et v

ova ad Pascha per alium annum, et faciet servicia in omnibus sicut Johannes



Elvitha Sterclesdene tenet dimidiam virgatam terrae continentem xvj acras

et dim. Reddendo inde per annum ijs. vjd. ad festum S. Mich. et ivd. ob. qu.

de Pondpany, et ij gallinas de Chersetto, et j gallinam per alium annum contra

Natale, et v ova per alium annum ad Pascha. Et si habet carucam suam

propriam, tunc arabit sicut Johannes Chappellayn. Et horciabit et inveniet

unum hominem ad sarciandum blada domini per iij dies usque ad Nonam. Et

inveniet unum hominem ad levandum fenum et ad faciendum mullones et claudet

cum aliis prata domini. Et triturabit dimidium bussellum frumenti et tertiam

partem busselli, et ducet apud Wyntoniam. Et metet ij acras et dim. apud

Crondal. Et inveniet ibidem unum hominem ad precariam per duos dies. Et ad

precariam de Sutton inveniet j hominem per ij dies vel dabit ivd. Et cariabit

meremium ad domos Curiae aedificandas et emendandas. Et tassabit in autumpno

per ij dies in Grangia. Et portabit foragium extra boveriam et tassum inde

faciet, nec potest equum nec bovem suum vendore sine licentia. Et pannagiabit

porcos suos sicut ceteri vicini sui. Et dabit domino auxilium annuale. Nec

potest filiam suam maritaro sine redemptione.


Gilbertus Franciscus et Thomas Huldemele tenent unam virgatam terrae.

Reddendo inde per annum ad festum S. Mich. ijs. et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et

unum Chersettum frumenti, et j gallinam, et v ova ad Pascha. Et facient omnia

servicia sicut dictus Johannes.


Idem Gilbertus tenet quartam partem unius acrae de purprestura. Reddendo

inde per annum ijd.


Johannes de Tribus domibus et Robertus de La Hegge tenent j virgatam

terrae continemtem xxxiv acras. Reddendo inde ad quatuor dictos terminos ijs.

ixd. Et ixd. ob. de Poundpany, et dimidium Chersettum frumenti, et ij

gallinas, et quinque ova ad Pascha, et faciet in omnibus sicut praedictus

Johannes Chapellayn.


Item - idem Johannes reddit unum vomerem pro ij acris in Berlegh.


Idem Johannes tenet tertiam partem unius acrae et debet reddere per annum



((Page 89))

Gilbertus et Godefridus de Spina tenent dimidiam virgatam terrae

continentem xvj acras. Reddendo inde ad quatuor terminos anni xvjd. ob. Et

iiijd. ob. qu. de Pondpany. Et dimidium Chersettum de frumento, et dimidiam

gallinam, et v ova per alium annum. Et omnia alia servicia faciet sicut



Ricardus de Spina tenet dimidiam virgatam terrae continentem xvj acras et

dim. Reddendo jude ad quatuor terminos xvjd. ob. Et iiijd. ob. qu. de

Pondpany, et dimidium Chersettum de frumento, et dimidium gallum, et v ova per

alium annum. Et faciet in omnibus sicut Johannes Chapellanus de dimidia

virgata terrae.


Willelmus Cawet tenet dimidiam virgatam terrae continentem xv acras.

Reddendo inde annuatim iiijs. de Pondpany. Et iiijd. ob. qu. pro omnibus,

quia est ad denarium.


Walterus de La Lane tenet quartam partem unius virgatae terrae

continentem viij acras. Reddendo inde annuatim ad festum S. Mich. ijs. vjd. Et

ijd. qu. et dim. qu. de Pondpany, et ij gallinas de Chersetto, et unam

gallinam per secundum annuni, et v ova per secundum annum. Et inveniet j

hominem ad precariam autumpni de Suttona per j diem, vel dabit ijd. Et ad

precariam de Crondal j hominem per j diem et tassabit per duos dies in grangia

domini et habebit inde unam garbam. Et levabit fenum domini per alterum diem

et claudet quartam partem unius perticae circa Curiam domini, et pannagiabit

porcos suos, et dabit domino auxilium annuale. Nec potest bovem suum nec

equum vendere, nec filiam suum maritare sine redemptione.


Henricus de la Lynch tenet quartam partem unius virgatse terrae

continentem xij acras. Reddendo inde annuatim iijs. ijd. ob. qu., et dim. qu.

de Pondpany, et ij gallinos de Chersetto, et dimidium gallum, et v ova per

secundum annum contra Pascha. Idem tenet unam acram et dimidiam in Beklonde,

et unam acram et dimidiam in Garstonetoste. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich.

xxd. Et si habet carucam propriam integram vel dimidiam, tunc arabit sicut

alii vicini sui tres acras hiemales et tres acras quadragesimales, et habebit

proinde iiijd. Et quatuor acras ex dictis acris herciabit. Et levabit fenum

domini per alterum annum. Et tassabit bladum domini in grangia. Et inveniet

unum hominem per j diem ad precariam de Suttona in autumpno, vel dabit ijd.,

et j hominem ad precariam de Crondal, et claudet quartam partem unius perticae

circa Curiam domini. Et dabit unam gallinam per alterum annum ad Natale, et v

ova per alterum annum ad Pascha, et triturabit per alterum annum dimidium

bussellum, et ducet apud Wyntoniam. Et portabit foragium de boveria, et

tassum inde cum aliis faciet, et cariabit meremium ad demos Curiae

aedificandas et emendandos. Et pannagiabit porcos suos, et dabit domino

auxilium annuale. Nec ((Page 90)) potest bovem suum nec equum vendere sine

licencia. Nec filiam suam maritare sine redemptione.


Elvitha de la Strete tenet dimidiam virgatam terrae continentem xiv acras

et dim. Reddendo inde ad quatuor terminos xvjd. ob. et iiijd. ob. qu. de

Pondpany, j Chersettum frumenti, et per alterum annum j gallinam contra

Natale, et v ova per alterum annum contra Pascha. Et faciet omnia servicia

sicut Simon Brownyng.


Simon Brownyng tenet dimidiam virgatam terrae continentem xij acras.

Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. ijs., et iiijd. ob. qu. de Pondpany, et per

alterum annum contra Natale j gallinam, et v ova contra Pascha per secundnm

annum. Et faciet omnia servitia in omnibus sicut Elvitha de Sterclesdene.


Idem tenet Ridessole continentem ij acras purpresturae. Reddendo inde ij



Idem tenet xv acras de purprestura in Berligh. Reddende inde ad Festum

S. Mich. vijs. vjd.


Willelmus de La Lynche tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xx acras et

dim. Reddendo inde ad quatuor terminos ijs. ixd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, j

Chersettum frumenti, et j gallinam contra Natale, et v ova contra Pascha. Et

faciet omnia sicut Johannes Chapellayn.


Stephanus Brounynge tenet decem acras purpresturae. Reddendo inde

annuatim vs. ijd. Et inveniet unum hominem ad precariam de Crondal per j



Idem tenet unam placeam ante domum suam. Reddendo inde iijd.


Willelmus le Coleville tenet unam purpresturam per cartam ut dicit apud

Berlegh. Reddendo inde ad Festum S. Mich. iijs.


Ricardus le Frene et vicini sui pro pastura quae vocatur Spineta reddunt

ad festum S. Mich. vs.


Alanus de Quercu tenet iv acras in Lupstonescrofte. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. ijs.


Tota villata tenet unam terram quam Ricardus Huldemele et Henricus de La

Lynche, et Johannes Bullok antiquitus tenuerunt. Reddendo inde ad festum S.

Mich. annuatim iijs. ixd., de quibus Henricus de La Lynche reddit pro se xijd.


Summa Virgatarum de Swandrop xj et dimidia.

Summa Redditus lxxjs. jd. ob. }

Summa de Pondpany ixs. jd. qu. } Summa utriusque iiijli. ijs. jd. qu.

Summa Chersetti frumenti ix dimidium.

Summa Chersetti Gallinarum xx.

Summa Vomerum ix.


Et sciendum est quod praedicti Virgarii metere debent in autumpno l

acras, quia una virgata et dimidia non debent metere (sic).


((Page 91))




Juliana de Aula tenet j hidam terrae continentem cvj acras terrae et iij

acras purpresturae novae ante Ecclesiam de Yatelegh. Reddendo inde per annum

xijs. viijd. et iijs. ijd. de Pondpany, iv stoppas mellis et duo gallinas

contra Natale, et xx ova ad Pasca. Et si habet carucam propriam tunc arabit

ad semen hiemale ij acras, vel dabit xijd. Et similiter arabit ij acras ad

semen quadragesimale, vel dabit xijd. Et praedictas duas acras ad utrumque

semen herciabit. Et inveniet unum hominem ad falcandum prata domini. Et

cariabit fenum et metet in Autumpno xx acras de Nidrip. Et sarciabit cum xvj

hominibus per j diem. Et claudet pratum, et iiij perticatas in Curia. Et

inveniet vj homines per ij dies ad precariam de Suttone. Et erit in propria

persona ultra falcantes. Et inveniet unum hominem de domo sua. Et de

quolibet tenente suo unum hominem per j diem ad precariam de Crondal. Et

cariabit maeremium ad domos Curiae aedificandas et de novo construendas, etc.

Nec potest filiam suam maritare sine redemptione.


Gilbertus de La Stane tenet dimidiam Hidam terrae continentem xxxix

acras. Reddendo per annum ad festum S. Mich. ijs. vjd. et xixd. de Pondpany,

et ij stoppas mellis vel vs., et j gallinam contra Natale et x ova contra

Pascha. Et claudet ij perticas circa Curiam domini, quando alii claudere

debent per summonitionem. Et faciet in omnibus pro dimidia Hida terrae sicut

Juliana de Aula, vel dabit inde annuatim pro relaxatione operum suorum vjs.

iijd. Idem tenet vij acras et dim. novae purpresturae. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. iijs. Et ijd. annuatim.


Thomas Cach et Jordanus le Tournour tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem xxix acras et dim. Reddendo inde per annum ad festum S. Mich.

ijs. xd., et ixd. ob. de Pundpany, et unam stoppam mellis continentem v

galones, et invenient j hominem per iv dies ad sarclandum. Et una cum aliis

virgariis invenient unum hominem cum falce ad falcandum prata domini. Et

metent v acras de Nidrip in Crondal. Et invenient j hominem per iv dies ad

precariam de Suttone, vel dabunt viijd. Et j hominem per j diem ad precariam

de Crondal. Et claudent prata et unam perticatam in Curia domini, et dabunt

unam gallinam contra Natale et v ova contra Pascha. Et invenient j carettam

in autumpno per j diem ad cariandum. Et cariabunt meremium ad domos Curiae

aedificandas et emendandas. Iidem tenent de dicta virgata terrae tres acras

prati apud La Hale et Bernat.


Gilbertus de Lentrigge tenet j virgatam terrae continentem xxviij acras,

et j acram novae purpresturae. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. ((Page 92))

iijs. iiijd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis, et j gallinam, et

v ova contra Pascha. Et faciet in omnibus omnia servitia sicut dictus Thomas



Johannes de la Perke et Robertus Squel tenent j virgatam terrae

continentem xxij acras. Reddendo inde ad festum, S. Mich. ijs. xd., et ixd.

ob. de Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis, et j gallinam, et v ova, et facient in

omnibus sicut Thomas Kach.


Idem Petrus tenet j acram purpresturae. Reddendo inde iiijd. Et

Robertus Squel tenet dimidiam acram purpresturae. Reddendo ijd. ad festum S.



Robertus filius Petri de la Pierke tenet j acram terrae purpresturae.

Reddendo inde iiijd. ad festum beati Mich.


Robertus de la More tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxxij acras.

Reddendo ijs. xd. Et vj acras et dim. novae purpresturae. Reddendo xxiijd.,

et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis, et j gallinam, et v ova, et

omnia alia servicia in omnibus faciet sicut dictus Thomas Cach.


Walterus le White et Osbertus de la Knelle tenent j virgatam terrae

continentem xxix acras et dim. Reddendo per amium ad festum S. Mich. ijs.

ijd. et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis, et j Chersettum siliginis,

et j gallinam, et v ova, et dim. falcem in prato domini ad falcandum. Et

invenient j hominem per quatuor dies ad sarclandum. Et facient omnia servicia

in omnibus sicut Thomas Kach.


Idem Osbertus tenet iij acras et j perticam purpresturae in West Wode, et

j acram et dim., et j perticam in Longa mora. Reddendo ad festum S. Mich.



Idem Walterus le White tenet j acram et dim., et j perticam purpresturae

in West Wode. Reddendo ad dictum terminum vijd.


Roys de Pothulle et Johannes le White tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem xxix acras. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. ijs. iid., et ixd.

ob. de Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j

gallinam, et v ova, et omnia alia servicia faciet sicut Thomas Cach,


Idem Johannes tenet j acram purpresturae. Reddendo inde iiijd.


Johannes Palmere tenet j acram purpresturae, ubi domus sua sita est.

Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. iiijd.


Alicia Goudyng et Willelmus le White tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem xvj acras. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ijs., et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j stoppam mellis, j gallinam, et v

ova. Et invenient dimidiam falcem in prata domini, et facient in omnibus

sicut Thomas Cach.


Eadem Alicia Goudyng tenet dimidiam acram purpresturae in la Strode.

Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. ijd.


((Page 93))

Idem Wilielmus tenet j acram et parvam placeam. Reddendo inde vd.


Willelmus David et Johannes de Forda tenent j virgatam terrae continentem

xvj acras. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ijs., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j

stoppam mellis, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j gallinam, v ova. Et debent

falcare et facere in omnibus sicut dicta Alicia Goudynge et Willelmus le



Idem Willelmus David tenet ij acras et dim. purpresturae et j particulam.

Reddendo inde xd. ob.


Idem Johannes de Forda et Wlllelmus David tenent j acram purpresturae.

Reddendo inde iiijd. annuatim.


Hugo de la Plesamele et Johannes de la Stronde tenent j virgatam terrae

continentem xii acras dim. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ijs., et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j gallinam et v

ova. Et in omnibus faciet sicut Alicia Goudynge et Willelmus le White.


Johannes de la Stronde tenet j acram purpresturae, ubi domus sua sita

est. Reddendo inde iiijd.


Idem Johannes tenet 2 acras purpresturae. Reddendo iijd.


Johannes de Bromham vetus tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xvij

acras. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ijs., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j

stoppam mellis, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j gallinam, et v ova. Et debet

facere omnia servicia in omnibus sicut Alicia Goudyng et Willelmus le White.


Idem Johannes tenet v acras novae purpresturae. Reddendo inde per annum

xxd. ad festum beati Mich.


Gilbertus de Bromham et Johannes de Bromham tenent j virgatam terrae

continentem xviij acras. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos xis. et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis, et j chersettum et dim. siliginis. Unde dictus

Johannes solvit integrum chersettum et dictus Gilbertus dimidium.


Idem reddunt i gallinam contra Natale, et v ova ad Pascha, et facient in

omnibus sicut dicta Alicia Goudynge.


Idem Gilbertus et Johannes frater ejus filius Rotarii tenent ij acras et

dim. purpresturae in Hormore. Reddendo inde ad dictum terminum xd.


Et Johannes Juvenis de Bromham tenet ij acras purpresturae circa domum

suam. Reddendo inde ad dictum terminum viijd.


Gilbertus filius Gonnildae et Godefridus Molendinarius tenent dim. acram

purpresturae ante portam Godefridi Wolurich. Reddendo ijd.


Cristina de la Sturte tenet j virgatam terrae continentem xviij acras.

Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ijs., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et dimidium ((Page

94)) Chersettum siliginis, et j stoppam mellis, et j gallinam, et v ova contra

Pascha. Et in omnibus aliis faciet sicut dicta Alicia Goudynge.


Eadem tenet iij acras purpresturae. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich.



Willelmus de Ponte et Thomas de la Sturte tenent j virgatam terrae

continentem xviij acras et dim. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ijs., et ixd.

ob. de Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j

gallinam, et v ova.


Idem Willelinus tenet unam acram et dim. et j perticam purpresturae.

Reddendo inde vijd.


Tota villata de Yatelegh dat domino ijs. de Insutes.


Johannes de la Sturte tenet j acram et j perticam apud Bredeforde.

Reddendo inde ad dictum terminum vd.


Petrus de Bromham tenet iij acras et dim. purpresturae. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. xivd.


Stephanus Cissor tenet unam placeam ubi domus sua sita est. Reddendo inde

jd. ad festum S. Mich.


Johannes de Bosco et Juliana de La Worthe tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem........ Reddendo inde idem Johannes ad festum S. Mich. xijd. et

praedicta Juliana ad iij terminos xijd. Et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j stoppam

mellis, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j gallinam, et v ova, et iij omnibus

faciet sicut dicta Alicia Goudynge.


Johannes de Cruce tenet j placeam ante hostium suum. Reddendo inde ad

dictum terminum jd.


Jordanus Gnaghebon tenet ij acras purpresturae in Churifeld. Reddendo

inde ad dictum terminum viijd.


Petrus de Bosco tenet iij perticas purpresturae, ubi domus sua sita est,

et j acram et dim. Reddendo inde ixd.


Radulfus Hamelyn tenet ij acras purpresturae. Reddendo viijd. ad F. S.



Gilbertus Gnaghebon tenet acram dim. purpresturae. Reddendo ijd. ad

dictum terminum.


Osbertus Hamelyn tenet dim. acram purpresturae ubi domus sua sita est.

Reddendo inde iiijd. Idem tenet aliam novam purpresturam. Reddendo inde xivd.


Petrus Cach tenet ij acras purpresturae in Churifelde. Reddendo inde xd.

ad dictum terminum.


Johannes Molendinarius tenet vj acras et dim. Reddendo inde xxvjd.


Petrus Fabian tenet j acram dim. iij perticatas purpresturae. Reddendo

inde ixd.


Juliana Skel tenet j acram purpresturae. Reddendo inde iiijd.


Thomas de Marisco tenet ij acras. Reddendo inde xd.


((Page 95))

Idem tenet j acram et dim. Reddendo vid.


Hugo de Hetha tenet ix acras et dim. Reddendo per annum iijs. iiijd. ob.


Emma de La Lane tenet iij acras. Reddendo inde xijd.


Willelmus de Halle tenet j acram et dim. Reddendo vjd.


Radulfus Molendinarius tenet j purpresturam. Reddendo inde xivd.


Summa Redditus lxxixs. ivd. }

Summa de Pondpany xvs. xd. }

Summa mellis xx stoppae quae valent ls. }

Summa horum trium vijli. vs. ijd.


Summa Chersetti siliginis ix.

Summa Gallinarum contra Natale xvij. Item ijs. de Insute.


Sciendum quod praedicti Virgarii metere debent in autumpno xcv acras.





Robertus de Bramsshate tenet unam Hidam terrae. Reddendo inde ad festum

S. Mich. xxs., et iijs. ijd. de Pondpany, et j Chersettum siliginis. Et si

habet carucam propriam tunc arabit per annum vj acras. Unde pro arura iv

acrarum in hieme dabit ijs. quamdiu domino placuerit. Et pro arura ad

precariam quadragesimalem dabit viijd., quia solebat percipere pro praedictis

ij acris ivd., vel prandium suum. Et sarclabit cum xxiv hominibus per j diem

usque ad nonam. Et inveniet j hominem cum falce ad falcandum prata domini.

Et cariabit cum ij carettis fenum domini. Et metet xx acras in autumpno. Et

inveniet xij homines ad precariam de Suttone per j diem, vel dabit xxxijd. Et

inveniet de quolibet tenente suo j hominem ad precariam de Crondal. Et

cariabit cum ij carettis per ij dies in autumpno. Et dabit ij gallinas ad

Natale et xx ova ad Pascha. Et claudet prata cum aliis de villa et iv perticas

in Curia, et cariabit maeromium ad domos Curiae aedificandas et emendandas.

Et dabit domino auxilium annuale et pannagiabit porcos suos. Nec potest equum

suum vel bovem vendere sine licentia. Nec filiam suam maritare sine



Idem tenet jv acras. Reddendo inde per annum xvd.


Willelmus de Hallie tenet dimidiam hidatam terrae. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. vs. et ad festum S. Andreae xixd. de Pondpany, et ad festum S.

Martini viij gallinas de chersetto, et pannagiabit porcos suos, et dabit ij

gallinas contra Natale et x ova ad Pascha. Et arabit sicut Robertus de

Bramsshate. Et sarclabit per j diem cum xij hominibus et inveniet j hominem

cum falce ad prata domini. Et cariabit fenum cum una caretta. Et metet x

acras in autumpno, et cariabit per ij dies in ((Page 96)) autumpno cum ij

carettis. Et claudet pratum domini et ij perticas circa Curiam domini. Et

inveniet viij homines ad precariam de Suttone vel dabit xvjd. Et inveniet iv

homines per j diem ad precariam de Crondal. Et dabit domino auxilium annuale.

Nec filiam suam potest maritare sine redemptione.


Idem tenet per plures particulas in Hallie, in Brambesshate, in

Alresshate, et in Yatelegh, purpresturam. Reddendo inde per annum ad dictum

terminum xs. viijd. ob.


Petrus Parmentarius tenet dim. acram et j perticam. Reddendo ad festum

S. Mich. iijd.


Robertus de la Hevese tenet j acram et dim. purpresturae. Reddendo ad

dictum terminum vjd.


Willelmus Dragehebrech tenet j placeam parvam. Reddendo ad festum S.

Mich. ijd.


Johannes filius Fabri, Stephanus Draghebrech, Rogerus de Hallie, et

Willelmus le Hurt tenent j dimidiam hidatam terrae. Reddendo inde per annum

vs. ad festum S. Mich. et xixd. de Pondpany et ad festum Beati Martini viij

gallinas de Chersetto, et ij gallinas contra Natale, et x ova contra Pascha,

et facient in omnibus omnnia sicut Willelmus de Haillie.


Idem Johannes filius Fabri tenet j acram et j placeam ubi grangia sua

sita est. Reddendo ivd.


Idem Stephanus Draghebrech tenet dimidiam acram, et j ortum purpresturae.

Reddendo inde ad dictum terminum, ijd. ob.


Idem Rogerus et Willelmus le Hurt tenent iij acras purpresturae in

Garstona. Reddendo inde quatuor vomeres.


Idem Willelmus tenet unam parvam placeam. Reddendo jd.


Praedictus Johaunes filius Fabri et praedictus Stephanus Draghebrech

reddunt ij vomeres pro quadam pastura quae vocatur Garstona.


Alicia de Hallie tenet unam acram et j perticam. Reddendo ad festum S.

Mich. vd.


Tota Hida de Hallie reddit domino xijd. de Insute ad festum S. Martini.


Willelmus Algar tenet quasdam particulas purpresturae novae. Reddendo

inde xxd. ad festum S. Mich. Et j hominem ad precariam domini in Autumpno.


Imena de Bramsshate tenet unam acram et amplius purpresturae. Reddendo ad

dictum terminum vjd.


Johannes Palmare tenet duas acras purpresturae. Reddendo inde xijd., ad

dictum terminum.


Johannes Wakeman tenet unam purpresturam. Reddendo inde ad dictum

terminum iiijs. iiijd. ob.


((Page 97))

Robertus Palmare tenet unam acram purpresturse et j perticam. Reddendo

inde ad festum S. Mich. vd.


Robertus Robelot tenet unam acram et dimidiam purpresturae. Reddendo vjd.

ad dictum terminum.


Willelmus de Crawebrede tenet unam parvam placeam. Reddendo inde ad

dictum terminum iijd.





Willelmus de Suth Wode tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxvij acras

et dimidiam. Redd. inde ad festum S. Mich., iijs. Et ixd. ob. de Pondpany.

Et iiij gallinas de Chersetto ad festum S. Martini et j gallinam contra

Natale, v ova ad Pascha et iij vomeres pro pastura ad Hockeday. Et si habet

carucam suam, arabit sicut Willelmus de Hallye. Et sarclabit per vi dies cum

j homine. Et inveniet j hominem cum falce ad pratum domini, et cariabit fenum

et claudet pratum et j perticam in Curia domini. Et cariabit maeremium ad

domos Curiae aedificandas et emendandas, et pannagiabit porcos suos, nec

potest filiam suam maritare sine redemptione.


Idem Willelmus metet v acras de Nidrip in Autumpno. Et inveniet ij

homines per ij dies ad precariam de Suttone, vel dabit viijd.


Idem tenet quasdam purpresturas per plures particulas. Reddendo inde ad

dictum terminum vs. viijd. ob.


Juliana relicta Fabri tenet unam placeam ante hostium suum. Reddendo inde

ad dictum terminum jd.


Ailwardus tenet quasdam perpresturas. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich.

vis. viijd. ob.


Willelmus de Suth Wode tenet xvj acras purpresturae et alias particulas.

Reddendo inde vis. vd. Et inveniet unum hominem ad precariam de Crondal per j

diem. Nec potest porcos habero sine pannagio. Et dabit insute cum aliis de



Henricus de Suth Wode tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. iijs. viijd., et j vomerem ad Hockeday.


Johannes Hurt tenet quasdam purpresturas. Inquiratur.


Totus Hameletus de Suth Wode dat domino xijd. de Insute.


Summa Redditus lxxviijs. ijd. ob. }

Summa de Pondpany vijs. jd. ob. }

Summa Redditus et de Pondpany iiijli. vs. iiijd.

Item de Herbagio ijs.

Summa Chersetti siliginis j.

Summa Vomerum x.

Summa Gallinarum xxvij.

Summa acrarum quas paeedicti homines metere debent in Autumpno, xlv.


((Page 98))



Willelmus de Lynham tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxiiij acras.

Reddendo inde iijs., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et dimidiam stoppam mellis, et j

Chersettum siliginis ad festum S. Martini, et ij gallinas ad festum S.

Martini, et j gallinam contra Natale, et v ova contra Pascha. Et si habet

carucam suum propriam tunc arabit ad semen hiemale ij acras vel dabit xijd.,

et j acram ad precariam, vel dabit iiijd. Et similiter arabit duas acras ad

semen quadragesimale, vel dabit xijd., et j acram ad precariam, vel dabit

iiijd. Et praedictas ij acras ad utrumque semen herciabit, et praeterea

herciabit unam acram de Consteggyng. Et sarclabit per vi dies cum j homine.

Et inveniet unum hominem cum falce ad falcandum prata domini, et levabit

fenum, et cariabit. Et claudet pratum et in Curia domini unam perticam, et

metet in Autumpno v acras apud Crondal. Et inveniet quatuor homines ad

precariam de Suttona per j diem, vel dabit viijd., et ad precariam de Crondal

j hominem per ij dies. Et cariabit per ij dies in Autumpno. Et triturabit j

bussellum et dimidium de frumento, et apu Wyntoniam ducet, vel dabit ijd. Et

caumiabit xvj cumulos stipuliae, et in quolibet cumulo erunt v garbae. Et

cariabit maeremium ad domos Curiae aedificandas et emendandas. Et dabit

domino auxilium annuale. Nec potest equum suum nec bovem vendere sine

licentia domini, nec filiam suam maritare sine redemptione.


Idem tenet unam placeam purpresturae ante hostium Fabri. Reddendo per

annum jd. ob.


Willelmus de Cranemore tenet x acras purpresturae. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. iiijs. Et inveniet j hominem ad precariam domini in Autumpno

per j diem.


Robertus de La Forde et Walterus de La Dene tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem xviij acras. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. ijs., et ixd. ob.

de Pondpany, j Chersettum siliginis, j gallinam, et v ova contra Pascha, et

excepto melle, et exceptis ij gallinis, faciet omnia servitia sient dictus

Willelmus de Lynham.


Idem Robertus tenet quasdam acras purprosturae. Reddendo xxd.


Idem Walterus tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo ixd.


Adam Clericus et Margareta de Overescumbe tenet (sic) j virgatam terrae

continentem xxix acras. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. ijd., et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et j Chersettum siliginis, et unam gallinam et v ova, et facient

omnia servicia in omnibus sicut dictus Robertus de La Forde.


Eadem Margareta tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde per annum ijs.



Idem Adam tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo iiijs.


((Page 99))

Elias Wille tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xix acras. Reddendo

inde ad festum S. Mich. iijs., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et dimidium Chersettum

siliginis, et j gallinam, et v ova, et faciet omnia servicia sicut Willelmus

de Lynham, excepto melle. Et veniet ad praecariam de Suttona per ij dies, vel

dabit iijd.


Idem tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde per annum xxiijd. ob.


Johannes de Lynham et Hugo Gilbert et Robertus de La Preye tenent unam

virgatam terrae continentem xxxj acras. Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. iijs., et

ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et dimidium Chorsettum siliginis, et j gallinam, et v

ova, et omnia alia servicia sicut Elias Wille.


Idem Johannes tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde iiijs. iiijd.


Idem Hugo tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde ijs. xjd. ob.


Idem Robertus tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo per annum xvijd.


Warinus le Achatour tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xvj acras.

Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. ijs., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et dimidium

Chersettum siliginis, et v ova. Et faciet in omnibus sicut dictus Elias

Wille. Et inveniet unum hominem ad precariam de Suttone per ij dies. Et metet

in autumpno duas acras et dimidiam in autumpno tantum de Nidrip.


Idem tenet viij acras dim. purpresturae. Reddendo iiijs. iijd. ad festum

S. Mich.


Adam de Estfelde tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxxvj acras et

dim. Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. ijs., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et dim.

Chersettum siliginis, et duas gallinas de Chersetto, et unam gallinam contra

Natale, et v ova ad Pascha. Et faciet in omnibus omnia servicia sicut Warinus

Le Achatour.


Idem tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde per annum ixs. xd. quia

Robertus de La Preye tenet quondam particulam purpresturae pro qua solebat

reddere ijd.


Willelmus Carpenter tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo xijd. Et

inveniet unum hominem ad precariam de Crondal per unum diem.


Warinus de Aula tenet dimidiam Hidam terrae continentem lxiij acras et

dim. Reddendo inde vijs. vjd. ad festum S. Mich. annuatim, et xixd. de

Pondpany, et j Chersettum siliginis, et ij gallinas contra Natale, et x ova

contra Pascha. Et si habet carucam tunc arabit ad semen hiemale et

quadragesimalo sicut et alii. Et herciabit Doustlond. Et inveniet duas

falces ad falcandum in pratis domini et duos homines ad levandum et duas

carettas ad cariandum. Et metet x acras in Crondal de Nidrip et sarclabit cum

xij hominibus per unum diem. Et cariabit in autimpno cum duabus carettis per

ij dies, et inveniet unum hominet ad precariam ((Page 100)) de Crondal, et duos

homines per ij dies ad precariam de Suttone. Et erit in propria persona sua

ultra messoros, vel dabit xijd. Et cauniabit xxxij cumulos de stipula, et

triturabit iij bussellos de frumento et ducet apud Wyntoniam vel dabit iiijd.

Et claudet pratum et duas perticas in Curia domini. Et cariabit maeremium ad

domos Curiae reparandas et de novo construondas. Nec potest equum nec bovem

vendere nec filiam maritare sine redemptione.


Robertus de Estfelde tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxvj acras.

Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ijs. Et j stoppam mellis ad festum S. Mich., et

ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j gallinam, et v ova. Et

si habit carucam tunc arabit sicut Willelmus de Lynham. Et faciet omnia

servicia sicut dictus Willelmus de Lynham.


Idem tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde xvd.


Willelmus de Estfelde tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxij acras

et dim. Reddendo inde et faciendo sicut Robertus supradictus.


Idem Willeimus tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde xjd.


Praedictus Warinus de Aula tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo xiijd.



Hugo Molendinarius tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xiij acras.

Reddendo inde et faciendo in omnibus sicut dictus Robertus de Estfelde.


Idem Hugo Molendinarius tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo inde iijs.



Willelmus filius Gonnildae et Galfridus Lovesone et Johannes filius

Matildis, et Emma vidua tenet (sic) unam virgatam terrae continentem xxvij

acras et dim. Reddendo inde et faciendo sicut dictus Robertus de Estfelde.


Idem Johannes tenet unam purpresturam. Reddendo vjd. ob.


Idem Willelmus tenet unam purpresturam. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich.



Emma supradicta tenet unam purpresturam. Reddendo inde ijd. ob.


Radulphus le Wychare et Robertus le Wychare tenet (sic) unam virgatam

terrae continentem xxiiij acras. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ijs., et ad

festum S. Mich. xvd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j chersettum siliginis, et j

gallinam, et v ova. Et facient omnia servicia sicut Willelmus de Lynham.


Radulphus supradictus tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo ijs. xd.


Idem Robertus le Wychare tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo ijs.



Johannes Aylward tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xix acras

dimidium. Reddendo inde et faciendo in omnibus sicut Radulphus et Robertus



((Page 101))

Idem tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo per annum xviijd.


Hugo Sapiens, Robertus Sapiens, et Ricardus le Bil tenent virgatam terrae

continentem xxj acres et dim. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos iis., et ad

festum S. Mich. xvd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et ij chersettos siliginis, et

j gallinam, et v ova. Et facient in omnibus sicut Johannes Aylward.


Idem Robertus tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo iijs. xd. ob.


Idem Hugo tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo iijd.


Idem Ricardus le Bil tenet j purprosturam. Reddendo iijd.


Tota villata dat domino ijs. vjd. ad festum S. Martini de Insute.


Willelmus de Hallie tenet viij acras purpresturae. Reddendo ad festum

S. Mich. iiijd.


Matildis de Cranemore tenet xij acras purpresturae. Reddendo ad festum

S. Mich. vs.


Robertus Crollyng tenet unam acram dim. purpresturae. Reddendo ixd. ad

dictum terminum.


Edmondus de Lynham tenet iij acras dim. Reddendo xxjd. ad dictum



Adam de Estfelde tenet duas acras vocatas Stonyakres in communi Campo de

Estfelde. Reddendo viijd. de redditu.


Willelmus Longus tenet unam acram purpresturae. Reddendo viijd.


Stephanus Crollyng tenet dimidiam acram purpresturae. Reddendo iiijd.


Hugo Crollyng tenet unam perticam purpresturae. Reddendo ijd.


Robertus de Bramsshate tenet duas acras purpresturae juxta pontem.

Reddendo xijd.


Johannes le Honte tenet unam acram et dim. et unam perticam purpresturae.

Reddendo vjd. ob.


Philipus de La Hethe tenet quatuor acras et dim. purpresturae. Reddendo

ijs. vijd.


Monachi de Waverlye tenent xxxj acras purpresturae. Reddendo iiijs.

iijd. ad dictum festum S. Mich.


Stephanus Coc tenet vj acras et j placeam purpresturae. Reddendo ad

dictum terminum ijs. ixd.


Ricardus Tongham tenet iij acras purpresturae. Reddendo xviijd. ad

dictum terminum.


Walterus de la Rude tenet unam acram purpresturae. Reddendo iiijd.


Johannes Andreu tenet iij acras purpresturae. Reddendo ixd. ad dictum



Osbertus de la Hethe tenet iij acras purpresturae. Reddendo xviijd.


Willelmus filius Goude tenet dimidiam acram purpresturae. Reddendo ad

dictum term. viijd. ob. et tenet aliam purpresturam.


((Page 102))

Petrus de Moneta tenet quasdam purpresturas continentem lij acras, et

alias purpresturas quas tenet per Cartam. Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. ijs.

iiijd. domino Infirmario ecclesiae Sancti Swythuni Wyntoniae et ad Curiam de

Crondal xs.


Robertus de Ponte tenet quasdam novas purpresturas. Reddendo ad festum

S. Mich. xxd.


Matildis relicta Jordani tenet duas acras excepta una pertica. Reddendo

vijd. ad dictum festum.


Summa acrarum quas metere debent in Autumpno iiij-xx. Summa Gallinarum

xviij. Summa Virgatarum xvj. Summa Redditus vijli. ijs. iiijd. Summa de

Pondpany xijs. viijd. Summa Stopparum mellis iiij et dim. Summa chersetti

siliginis xiij dim. Sunima Redditus de Pondpany et mellis viijli. vjs. iijd.

ob. Item ijs. vjd. de Herbagio.





Juliana Thurgoud tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxij acras et

perticam. Reddendo inde per annum xviijd. Et j stoppam mellis et dim et ixd.

ob. de Pondpany, et j Chersettum frumenti, et j gallinam contra Natale, et v

ova ad Pascha. Et si habet carucam suam tunc arabit duas acras ad semen

hiemale, et nichil inde habebit. Et arabit similiter in hieme et habebit ijd.

Et arabit ad Tremesium duas acras, et nichil inde habebit. Et terciam acram

arabit, et habebit ijd., et quatuor de praedictis acris herciabit, et in

quadragesima herciabit unam acram de Doustlond, et portabit semen de Curia

domini ad praedictas quatuor acras seminandas. Et si non habet carucam

propriam, tunc arabit secundum quod habet partem in caruca cum socio suo, sive

habeat medietatem carucae sive terciam partem. Et inveniet in autumpno j

hominem ad magnas precarias domini. Et dabit auxilium annuale, et inveniet

duos homines per ij dies ad precariam de Suttona, vel dabit viijd. Nec potest

equum suum vel bovem ut dictum est vendere sine licencia domini. Et

pannagiabit porcos suos. Nec potest filiam suam maritare, etc.


Eadem tenet ij acras et dim. et dim. perticam. Reddendo inde ad festum

S. Mich. ijs. jd. Et cariabit bis in anno. Et triturabit contra Natale j

bussellum dim. frumenti et ad Wyntoniam cariabit. Et cariabit maeremium Curiae

ad domos Curiae edificandas et emendandas. Et inveniet unum hominem ad

spargendum fenum domini et ad levandum prata domini. Et cariabit cum caretta

sua fenum domini. Et in autumpno metet v acras et ligabit et in tassis ponet.

Et cariabit in autumpno per ij dies, et caumiabit xvj cumulos de stipula, et

in quolibet cumulo erunt v garbae. Et inveniet unum hominem in hieme ad

portandum foragium extra Boveriam cum boves domini debeant installari in

Boveria. Et in ((Page 103)) adventu domini Prioris vel senescalli sui quaerent

cibum ad opus ipsius Prioris vel senescalli. Et claudet unam perticam sepis

circa Curiam domini. Et similiter claudet prata domini una cum aliis de

hundredo, etc.


Walterus de Childewelle et Robertus de Lokwych tenet unam virgatam

terrae. Reddendo inde ad tres terminum xviijd., et j stoppam mellis et dim.,

et j Chersettum frumenti, ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j gallinam contra Natale et

v ova ad Pascha. Et facient in omnibus sicut dicta Juliana Thurgod.


Robertus le Fotour tenet unum messuagium et unam acram. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. iijs. Et inveniet j hominern per j diem ad precariam in



Walterus le Tannere et Willelmus le Masson tenent ij acras et dim. et

dim. perticam de purprestura. Reddendo inde ad dictum terminum ijs.jd.


Petrus de Moneta tenet vj acras de purprestura de Lucwych. Reddendo inde

ad festum S. Mich. iijs.


Willelmus de Stupa et Agnes de Stupa tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem xx acras. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos xviijd., et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et j Chersettum frumenti, et j stoppam mellis et dim., et j gallinam

contra Natale, et v ova ad Pascha. Et per idem servicium in omnibus sicut

dicta Juliana Thurgod.


Nicolaus Pet tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xviij acras et dim.,

et j perticam. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos xviijd., et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis et dim., et j gallinam contra Natale, et v ova

contra Pascha, et j chersettum frumenti. Et per idem servicium sicut dicta



Stephanus Palmere tenet j virgatarn terrae continentem xxj acras dim. et

j perticam. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos xviijd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany,

et j stoppam mellis et dimidiam, et j chersettum frumenti, et j gallinam, et v

ova. Et per idem servicium sicut dicta Juliana in omnibus.


Galfridus Juvenis tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxx acras.

Reddendo inde ad dictos term. xviijd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j stoppani

mellis, et j chersettum frurnenti, et j gallinam contra Natale, et v ova

contra Pascha. Et per idem servicium in omnibus sicut praedicta Juliana



Emma de La Hacche tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xx acras et

dim., et j perticam. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos xviijd., et ixd. ob. de

Pondpany, et j stoppam mellis et dim., et dim. Chersettum frumenti, et j

gallinam contra Natale, et v ova ad Pascha, et j vomerem pro quodam Itinere.

Item pro eodem Itinere reddit iijd. ad festum S. Mich. Et per idem servicium

in omnibus sicut praedicta Juliana.


((Page 104))

Herbertus Forestarius et Johannes Garlaund tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem xvij acras et dim., et j perticam. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos

xviijd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et dim. Chersettum frumenti, et j stoppam et

dim. mellis, et j gallinam, et v ova. Et per idem servicium quod facit dicta



Idem Herbertus tenet quatuor acras de purprestura. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. ijs. ixd. qu.


Osbertus de la Hulle tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxiij acras.

Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. ijs. jd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et quartam

partem j stoppae mellis, et dim. Chersettum frumenti, et j gallinam, et v ova.

Et per idem servicium sicut dicta Juliana.


Johannes de Somereforde tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xxviij

acras. Reddendo per amium ijs. jd., et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et quartam

partem j stoppae mellis, et dim. Chersettum frumenti, et j gallinam, et v ova.

Et per idem servicium sicut dicta Juliana dicta Thurgod.


Idem tenet dim. acram purpresturae. Reddendo iiijd. ob. qu.


Alicia de Farnham tenet j messuagium et j croftam cum curtillagio.

Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. xijd.


Edmundus de Bosco et Willelmus de Bosco tenent duo Cotagia quae facta

sunt de una virgata terrae, quam Adam de Bosco quondam tenuit. Reddendo inde

ad festum S. Mich. xvjs., et vjd. de Pondpany, et iiij gallinas de Chersetto

ad festum Beati Martini.





Nicholaus de Dupehal tenet unam Hidam terrae. Reddendo ad festum S.

Mich. xxs. et j stoppam mellis.


Robertus de Clere tenet v virgatas terrae. Reddendo inde ad festum S.

Mich. vij stoppas mellis et dim.


Idem tenet dim. acram purpresturae in Stroda. Reddendo ad festum S.

Mich. iijd.


Robertus de Moneta tenet per plures particulas quasdam purpresturas.

Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. domino Priori xiiijd. Et in eodem termino

domino Infirmario Wyntoniae xiijs. iiijd.


Walterus Dymars tenet unam purpresturam magnam et alibi dim. acram in La

Strode. Reddendo inde ad festum S. Mich. iiijs. ixd.


Galfridus le Mareschal tenet x acras purpresturae. Reddendo inde ad

festum S. Mich. viijs. Et pro parva placea de novo iijd. per annum.


Walterus de La Stupe tenet quatuor acras et dim. Reddendo inde ad festum

S. Mich. iijs. vjd. ob.


Robertus Chadelye et Godefridus de Farnham tenent v acras. Reddendo ad

dictum festum iiijs.


((Page 105))

Willelmus le Hayward tenet unam acram de purprestura in La Stroude.

Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. vjd.


Emma relicta Fabri tenet unam mesuagium et iij acras terrae. Reddendo ad

festum S. Mich. vjs. Et inveniet j hominem per j diem ad precariam domini in




Summa Redditus iiijli. xvs. viijd. ob. qu.

Summa de Pondpany viijs. vd.

Summa stopparum mellis xxiij et dim., de quibus viij stoppae et dim.

deveniunt apud Wyntoniam quae sumuntur de Redditu Roberti de Clere et Nicholai

de Dupehal. Unde xv stoppae mellis residuae valent xxxvijs. vyd.

Summa Redditus et de Pondpany et mellis vijli. xixd. ob. qu.


Summa chersotti siliginis de frumento viij. Summa gallinarum contra

Natale xiiij.


Summa virgatarum quas Liberi et Villani tenent in Dupehal xxiiij.

Summa acrarum quas metere debent dicti homines in Autumpno lxx.

Summa acrarum quas praedicti homines herciabunt de Doustlond xv.





Hugo de Wyggoworthhale tenet unam virgatam terrae continentem xvj acras.

Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ixd. et iiijd. ob. qu. de Pondpany. Et dim.

Chersettum siliginis, et j stoppam mellis, et dim. gallinam, et v ova ad

Pascha per secundum annum. Et si habit carucam suam propriam tunc arabit ij

acras ad semen hiemale et eas herciabit et j acram arabit, et habebit proinde

ijd. Et eodem modo faciet ad semen quadragesimale. Et inveniet j hominem per

ij dies ad precariam de Suttone, vel dabit iiijd. Et inveniet j hominem ad

precariam de Crondal. Et cariabit buscam semel in anno. Et cariabit

maeremium ad domos Curiae edificandas et emendandas. Et pannagiabit porcos

suos. Et dabit domino auxilium annualo. Et sarclabit per iij dies cum j

homine. Nec potest equum nec bovem vendere nec filiam suam maritare sine

licencia domini, sicut ante dictum est de aliis. Et omnia alia servicia faciet

sicut et alii villani.


Idem tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo xs. vd. ad festum S. Mich.


Emma de Wyggeworthhale tenet dimidiam virgatam terrae continentem xvj

acras. Reddendo ad iij term. ixd., et iiijd. ob. qu. de Pondpany, et j

stoppam mellis, et dim. Chersettum siliginis, et dim. gallinam contra Natale,

et v ova ad Pascha per secundum annum. Et faciet omnia servicia sicut

praediotus Hugo.


Eadem tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo xjs. vjd. et j vomerem.


((Page 106))

Robertus de La Broke tenet dim. virgatam terrae continentem iij acras j

perticam. Reddendo inde ad iij terminos ixd., et iiijd. ob. qu. de Pondpany,

et dim. stoppam mellis, et dim. Chersettum siliginis, et dim. vomerem, et dim.

gallinam, et per alium annum v ova. Et faciet in omnibus sicut dictus Hugo.


Idem tenet duas moras quae continent iij acras. Reddendo inde iij.



Alicia Relicta Kyng tenet dim. virgatam terrae continentem xj acras et

dim. Reddendo inde ad iij term. ixd., et iiijd. ob. qu. de Pondpany, et dim.

stoppam mellis, et dim. Chersettum siliginis, et dim. vomerem, et dim.

gallinam, et v ova per alium annum. Et faciet sicut dictus Hugo. Eadem tenet

duas acras in Kyngesmore. Reddendo inde j vomerem.


Willelmus Ruffus et Robertus filius Johannis tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem xxxij acras. Reddendo inde xviijd. ad iij terminos et j stoppam

mellis, et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j vomerem, et j

gallinam, et v ova. Et facient in omnibus sicut alii consuetudinarii.


Idem Willelmus tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo xiijd.


Idem Osbertus tenet duas acras et dim. novae purpresturae. Reddendo ad

festum S. Mich. xvd.


Thomas de La Hethe et Hugo de Gardino tenent unam virgatam terrae

continentem xxxij acras. Reddendo ad iij terminos xviijd., et j stoppam

mellis, et ixd. ob. de Pondpany, et j Chersettum siliginis, et j vomerem, et j

gallinam, et v ova. Et facient in omnibus sicut dictus Hugo.


Idem Thomas tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo xvd. ad festum S.



Idem Hugo tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo ad dictum terminum iij

vomeres, iiij gallinas, et iijd.


Petrus Aghemond tenet dim. virgatam terrae continentem xviij acras.

Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. xs. Et si habet carucam tunc arabit sicut dictus

Hugo. Et pannagiabit porcos suos. Et sciendum quod non Pundpany nec

chersettum, ut dicit.


Idem tenet iij acras et j perticam de purprestura ante domum suam.

Reddendo xixd. ob.


Robertus Couche tenet xvij acras purpresturae. Reddendo ad festum S.

Mich. vjs. ixd. quia quaedam terra est in dominico domini pro qua solebat

reddere iij vomeres.


Willelmus Molendinarius tenet iij acras et j messuagium et aliam aliam

purpresturam. Reddendo xxiijd. ob.


Johannes Coche tenet xiij acras. Reddendo vjs. vjd.


((Page 107))

Matildis relicta Dipedol tenet viij acras et dim. Reddendo iiijs. iijd.

ad festum S. Mich.


Nicholaus de Molendino tenet duas acras et dim. Reddendo xvd. ad dictum

terminum. Et est liber ab omnibus serviciis.


Robertus Permentarius tenet xxxj acras dim. per multas particulas.

Reddendo ad dictum terminum xvs. ixd. ob.


Alanus de Quercu tenet xv acras. Reddendo ad dictum terminum xis. iiijd.



Osbertus de La Virue tenet unum messuagium et v acras purpresturae.

Reddendo ad dictum terminum iijs. vjd.


Rogerus Aghomond tenet quasdam purpresturas continentes iiij acras dim.

Reddendo xxvjd. ob.


Thomas de La Strete tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo ad dictum

terminum xxd.


Reginaldus de La Garstona tenet quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo xd. ob.


Willelmus de La Burgh tenet unum messuagium et xix acras et dim. et

quasdam purpresturas. Reddendo xjs. vijd. ad dictum terminum. Et si arat vel

non dabit annuatim pro arura ixd.


Johannes de La Firne tenet xij acras dim. Reddendo ad dictum terminum

vjs. et dim.


Osbertus Rotarius tenet iiij acras dim. Reddendo ad dictum terminum

ijs. ob.


Ricardus Carpentarius tenet unam acram purpresturae. Reddendo ad dictum

terminum vjd.


Johannes filius Blakemon tenet dim. acram purpresturae. Reddendo iijd.

ad dictum terminum.


Robertus de La Broke tenet iij acras dim. et j perticam purpresturae.

Reddendo xviijd. ad dictum terminum.


Johannes de La Broke tenet viij acras purpresturae. Reddendo ad festum

S. Mich. iiijs.


Alicia relicta Blakeman tenet dim. virgatam terrae et quasdam

purpresturas. Reddendo inde ad dictum terminum ixs. jd., et iiijd. ob. de

Pondpany, et iiij gallinas et j gallinam de Chersetto, et unam gallinam contra

Natale per alterum annum, et v ova contra Pascha per alterum annum. Et si

habet carucam tunc arabit sicut dictus Hugo de Wyggeworthhale. Et inveniet

unum hominem ad precariam de Suttona per ij dies, et j hominem ad precarium de

Crondal, etc.


Ricardus Blakeman tenet iiij acras. Reddendo ad dictum terminum xvjd.


Robertus Wen tenet v acras. Reddendo ijs. vijd. similiter (?) tenet unum



((Page 108))

Radulphus Hethe tenet v acras et dim. purpresturae. Reddendo ijs. ixd.

ad dictum terminum.


Johannes de La Heth tenet duas acras et dim. Reddendo xd. ad dictum



Gulfridus de La Hethe tenet duas acras et dim. Reddendo xd. ad dictum



Editha relicta Herberti tenet iij acras dim. Reddendo ad festum S. Mich.



Simon de Asshwelle tenet unam acram. Reddendo vjd. ad dictum terminum.


Ricardus Wysdom tenet dimidiam virgatam terrae continentem xvj acras.

Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. iiijs. et iiijd., et iiijd. ob. qu. de Pondpany,

et ij gallinas de Chersetto, et ij vomeres, dim. gallinam contra Natale, et v

ova per alterum annum contra Pascha. Et arabit sicut dictus Hugo de

Wyggeworthhale, et percipiet sicut ille, et omnia alia servicia faciet, etc.


Idem tenet lxiij acras et dim. de veteri tenura sua quae inventae fuerunt

de supplusagio de dicta virgata sua, et in pluribus purpresturis. Reddendo

inde ad dictum terminum xxs. jd.


Edmundus Capellanus tenet xxxvij acras de purprestura. Reddendo ad

dictum terminum xiiijs. Et dabit per annum ixd. pro arura.


Radulfus de Pilecote tenet xxxv acras in purprestura. Reddendo ad dictum

terminum xvijs. vjd.


Idem tenet unam placeam de novo redditu jd.


Willelmus de Pilecote tenet quartam partem unius virgatae terrae

continentem x acras. Reddendo ad quatuor terminos anni viijs. Et dabit

domino auxilium annuale cum aliis de Hundredo. Et inveniet j hominem ad

precariam de Crondal.


Idem tenet x acras purpresturae. Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. iiijs. jd.


Nicholas le Coupare tenet vc acras dim. Reddendo ad dictum terminum ijs.



Stephanus Parvus tenet unam acram. Reddendo vjd.


Thomas filius Osberti tenet j placeam. Reddendo addictum terminum jd.


Willelmus de Sucke dat domino per annum xijd. quod possit tenere vj acras

per Redditum de Hugone de Wyggeworthhale


Tota villata de Crokham dat domino ijs. pro herbagio ad festum S.





Johanna de Cauz tenet unam purpresturam. Reddendo ad festum S. Mich. vs.

et duo Coclearia in festo S. Swythini de argento apud Wyntoniam de precio ij

solidorum et dimidii.


((Page 109))

Eadem tenet v acras et dim. purpresturae in La Feldmede. Reddendo ad

dictum terminum xxijd. ob.


Henricus de La Burgh tenet v acras terrae cum pertinentiis et quasdam

purpresturis per Cartam, quae fuerunt quondam Edmundi de La Burghe. Reddendo

per annum ad festum S. Mich. lxs.


Summa Redditus de Crokham xiiijli. viijs. viijd. ob.


Summa de Pondpany iijs. xjd. ob.


Summa stopparum mellis v, et aestimantur ad valorem xijs. vjd.


Summa totius Redditus cum Pondpany et melle xvli. vs. ijd. Item ijs. de

Herbagio. Summa Chersetti siliginis iiij. Summa Gallinarum xij. Summa Vomerum



Summa acrarum quas metere debent in autumpno xxv, quia dimidia virgata

terrae quam Petrus Aghemond tenet non debet metere ut dicit.


Summa acrarum quae meti debent per homines de Hundredo de consuetudine



Summa Summarum totius Redditus cum Pondpany et Melle liijli. vijs.



Returns, Services, and Customs of the Manor of Crondal, translated from an MS. in the Library of Winchester Cathedral, containing the Rental of the Priory of S. Swithun, written by John of Guldeford in the middle of the fourteenth century.


John Ailmond holds one croft and house on payment therefore of 2s.

yearly, and he shall find one man in autumn for his lord's harvest service.


William of Aswell holds one cot-land containing 15 acres, on payment

therefore of a yearly tax of 8s., and 3s. for pondpany, at the Feast of St.

Andrew, and one hen and one cock at the Feast of St. Martin for churchscot;

and he shall find one man for three harvest services, or he shall do two

pieces of base service in each week from the Feast of S. Michael to that of

St. Peter ad Vincula. Wherefore if he threshes he shall thresh for one day's

service 3 1/2 bushels of corn, or 6 bushels of barley, or 12 bushels of oats;

and in autumn he shall reap in each week one acre of whatsoever corn it shall

be, so long as it shall be necessary and he shall find one man for two harvest

services in the autumn; and he shall make in autumn 3 hurdles from his lord's

wood, and he shall collect the wood for them as one day's service, and he

shall fence one perch round his lord's corn in the field, and he shall collect

the wood for the fencing; and if he have a cart, he shall carry from the

lord's court ten measures of manure over all the fields in Cumgarstonefore

((Page 110)) and elsewhere; and he may not sell his young horse or his young ox

without the lord's leave; and if he shall have sold his horse after obtaining

leave, he shall give to the lord 6d. for the horse, and 4d. for the ox; and if

the lord should wish to keep the horse or the ox for his own use, he shall

have the horse for six pence less, or the ox for four pence less, than it

could be sold for; and he may not give his daughter in marriage without

ransom; and he shall have the same right of pasturage for his pigs as the

holders of a yardland.


Wiliam Dal holds a house and croft on payment therefore of 3s. annually

on the Feast of St. Michael. The same also holds 26 1/2 acres of encroachment

on payment therefore of 18s. 9d. annually on the Feast of St. Michael, which

is short by four shillings four acres in Bovenhurst, which are in the lord's



The same also holds one plot of ground{1. Open space, a kind of courtyard

in front of his house?} for 1d., and shall find one man for harvest service in

the autumn.


John le Fotour holds one cot-land containing 15 1/2 acres, on payment

therefore of 8s. annually on the Feast of St. Michael; 3d. for pondpany, and 2

hens for churchscot, or he shall do as William of Ashwell. And shall find one

man for 3 harvest services in the autumn.


William le Kyng and Walter Daniel hold one cot-land containing 13 acres,

on payment therefore annually of 8s. tax (gabulum) and 3d. for pondpany at the

Feast of St. Andrew, and 2 hens on the Feast of St. Martin for churchscot; or

he shall do service in every respect as William of Ashewell.


Richard Petypas and Alpeys hold one cot land containing 13 acres on

payment therefore annually of 8s. 3d. for pondpany at the Feast of St. Andrew,

and 2 hens for churchscot at the Feast of St. Martin, or they shall do all

services as the said William of Asshewell; and shall find a man for three

harvest services. The same Petipas holds one acre of the lord's land on

payment of 6d.


Richard Hosecok and Walter de Nywoman hold one cot-land containing 15

acres on payment therefore of 8s. at the said term, and 3d. for pondpany, and

2 hens for churchscot, or they shall do as William of Asshewell; and they

shall find one man for 3 harvest services in the autumn.


Simon le Blund and Richard Stare hold one cot-land containing 15 acres,

on payment therefore of 8s. 3d. for pondpany and 2 hens for churchscot at the

said term; and they shall find one man for 3 harvest services in the Autumn,

or they shall do in every respect as the said William.


John of Sterclesdene holds one cot-land containing 11 1/2 acres, on ((Page

111)) payment therefore of 8s. 3d. pondpany and 2 hens for churchscot at the

said term; and he shall find one man for 3 harvest services in the Autumn, or

he shall do in every respect as the said William.


Ralph of Burgate holds one cot-land containing 10 1/2 acres on payment

therefore of 8s. 3d. for pondpany and 2 hens for churchscot at the said term;

and he shall find one man for 3 harvest services in the Autumn, and he shall

do in every respect as the said William.


Matildis Athelard holds one cot-land containing 11 acres, on payment

therefore and on doing as the said Ralph.


Simon Herbert holds one cot-land containing 11 acres, on payment

therefore annually and on doing in every respect as the said Ralph.


Edmund Carrucator (the carriage builder) holds one cot-land containing 13

acres, on payment therefore and on doing in every respect as the said Ralph.


Peter de la Hacche holds 1 1/2 cot-land containing 8 1/2 acres, on

payment therefore, etc., as the said Ralph.


Amicia holds one messuage and one acre, on payment therefore annually of

4s. at the said term, and she shall find one man for one harvest service in

the Autumn.


Richard Hayward holds half a cot-land containing 7 1/2 acres, on payment

therefore annually of 4s. at the Feast of St. Michael, 1 1/2d. for pondpany,

and one hen for churchscot, and he shall do in every respect as do other

holders of half a cot-land.


Ralok Gosenold holds half a cot-land containing 7 acres and 1 perch, on

payment therefore and on doing in every respect as the said Richard.


All the above-mentioned holders of cot-lands hold 2 acres of the Lord's

land in common, on payment therefore annually on the Feast of St. Michael of

11s., and the aforesaid acres lie in La Husloude above which their lands



Total cot-lands, 13, of which 1 1/2 is managed for the Lord's use.

Total returns, #6. 9s. 7d. }

Total pondpany, 3s. 3d. } Total of both, #6. 12s. 10d.

Total of hens for Church-scot, 26, because 3 are in arrears.



Holders of a virgate of land.


John Chapellayn holds one virgate of land containing 24 acres by the

perch of 16 1/2 feet, so that each acre is 40 perches long and 4 perches

broad, on payment therefore annually of 2s. 9d. tax, of which he pays at the

Feast of St. Michael 15d., and at the Feast of St. Thomas ((Page 112)) the

Apostle 6d., and at the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary 6d., and

at the Feast of the Blessed John the Baptist 6d., and 9 1/2d. for pondpany,

and 5 bushels less one measure of corn for churchscot on St. Martin's day, and

one hen against Christmas, and 5 eggs at Easter. And at the winter-sowing he

shall plough 3 acres and for the third acre he shall have 2d., and likewise in

the Lent-sowing he shall plough 3 acres, and shall have for the third acre

2d., and he shall carry the seed from the lord's court for sowing the

aforesaid acres, and he shall harrow four of those acres, and besides, in

Lent, he shall harrow one acre which is called Dustlonde, and he shall carry

twice in the year copse-wood to the lord's court with his own cart, and he

shall thrash 1 1/2 bushel of corn against Christmas, and he shall carry (it)

to the fallowland and shall find one man to hoe his lord's corn for 6 days

until the ninth hour, and in the autumn he shall reap 5 acres and shall carry

for 2 days, and shall spread hay and shall load and carry it together with

others of the Manor, and shall fence meadows and shall likewise fence one

perch around the lord's court, and he shall find one man at Crondal for 2

harvest services in the autumn, and 4 men at Sutton for 2 days at harvest

service, or instead of work at Sutton he shall give 8d., and shall carry for 2

days in the autumn, and he shall gather 16 pooks of corn, and in each pook

there shall be 5 sheaves, and he shall carry material for building the houses

of the court; and he together with others shall make a big manure heap and

shall carry the manure out of the lord's cattle yard when the cattle have to

be placed in their stalls in the yard, and he shall have the right of

pasturing his pigs; and he shall make 1/2 a quarter of malt for the lord if it

shall be required, and shall give annual help to the lord; and he cannot sell

his horse or his ox without the lord's leave. And if he shall have sold after

obtaining leave then he shall give sixpence for the horse, and if the lord

should wish to buy him, then he shall remit to the lord 6d. and 4d. for the

ox; and he cannot give his daughter in marriage without a ransom.


William le Hurst holds one virgate of land containing 33 1/2 acres, on

payment therefore of 2s. 9d. tax annually at the aforesaid terms, and 9 1/2d.

pondpany, and 5 bushels of corn less one measure for churchscot at the Feast

of St. Martin, and one hen against the Nativity and 5 eggs at Easter, and in

all other matters he shall do as John Chapellayn.


John de la Rugge holds one virgate of land containing 31 1/2 acres on

payment therefore of 2s. 9d. annually at the aforesaid terms, and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany, and one bushel of corn for churchscot, and one hen against Christmas

and 5 eggs at Easter, and in other matters he shall do as John Chapellayn.


The same also shall give annually to the lord one plough land's worth in

payment for copse-wood.


((Page 113))

Geoffry de la Rugge holds one virgate of land containing 52 acres on

payment therefore annually of 2s. 9d. tax at the said terms, and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany, and one churchscot of corn and one hen against Christmas and 5 eggs

at Easter, and 4 plough lands' worth of new copse-wood.


The same also holds one acre of encroachment on the common, and pays 1d.,

and he shall do in all other respects as John Chappellayn.


Martin de la Rugge holds one virgate of land containing 39 acres, on

payment therefore of 5s. yearly at the Feast of St. Michael, and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany, and one plough land's worth and one churchscot of corn, and one hen

against Christmas, and 5 eggs at Easter every other year, and he shall in all

other respects do as John Chapellayn.


Elvitha Sterclesdene holds half a virgate of land containing 16 1/2 acres

on payment therefore of 2s. 6d. yearly on the Feast of St. Michael, and 4 3/4d

for pondpany, and 2 hens for churchscot, and one hen every other year against

the Nativity, and 5 eggs every other year at Easter; and if she have a plough

of her own then she shall plough as John Chappelayn, and shall harrow, and

find one man to hoe her lord's grain three days until the ninth hour, and

shall find one man to load hay, and to make ricks, and to fence her lord's

meadows together with others; and she shall thrash 1/2 a bushel of corn, and

the third part of a bushel, and shall convey it to Winton; and she shall reap

2 1/2 acres at Crondal, and shall find there one man for two days at harvest

service, and she shall find one man for 2 day's harvest service at Sutton, or

she shall give 4d. And she shall cart material for building and restoring the

houses of the court, and she shall stack the corn in the autumn for 2 days in

the farm buildings, and shall carry manure outside the cattle yard and make a

heap there, and she cannot sell her horse or her ox without leave; and she

shall have the right of pasturing her pigs as her other neighbours, and she

shall give to the lord annual aid, and she cannot give her daughter in

marriage without ransom.


Gilbert Francis and Thomas Huldemele hold one virgate of land on payment

therefore of 2s. yearly on the Feast of St. Michael, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany,

and one churchscot of corn, and one hen, and 5 eggs at Easter, and they shall

do in other respects as the aforesaid John. The same Gilbert holds 1/4 of an

acre of encroachment, paying therefore yearly 2d.


John of the Three Houses and Robert la Hegge hold one virgate of land

containing 34 acres on payment therefore of 2s. 9d. at the said terms, and 9

1/2d. for pondpany, and half a churchscot of corn, and 2 hens and 5 eggs at

Easter, and they shall do in other respects as the John aforesaid.


The same John also pays one plough land's worth for 2 acres in Berleigh.


((Page 114))

The same John also holds a third part of an acre, and is bound to pay 2d.



Gilbert and Godfrey de Spina hold half a virgate of land containing 16

acres, on payment therefore at the four terms of the year of 16 1/2 d. and 4

3/4d. for pondpany, and half a churchscot of corn, and half a hen and 5 eggs

every other year, and all other services they shall perform as Chapellain.


Richard de Spina holds half a virgate of land containing 16 1/2 acres on

payment therefore at the 4 seasons of 16 1/2d. and 4 3/4d. for pondpany, and a

half a churchscot of corn, and half a cock and 5 eggs every other year, and in

other respects he shall do as does John Chappellain for a half virgate of



William Cawet holds half a virgate of land containing 15 acres, on

payment therefore of 4s. yearly for pondpany, and 4 3/4d. for everything

because he is assessed at 1d.


Walter de la Lane holds a quarter of a virgate of land containing 8 acres

on payment therefore of 2s. 6d. yearly on the Feast of St. Michael, and 2

3/4d. for pondpany, 2 hens for churchscot, and one hen every second year, and

5 eggs every second year; and he shall find one man for one day in the autumn

for harvest service at Sutton, or shall give 2d; and one man for one day for

harvest service at Crondal, and he shall stack corn for 2 days in the lord's

farm buildings, and shall have for it one sheaf, and he shall load his lord's

hay on the second day, and shall fence a quarter of a perch round the lord's

court, and shall have the right of pasturing his pigs, and shall give the lord

yearly aid; and he cannot sell his horse or his ox, nor give his daughter in

marriage without ransom.


Henry de la Lynch holds a quarter of a virgate of land containing 12

acres, on payment therefore of 3s. yearly and 2 3/4d. for pondpany, and 2 1/2

cocks for churchscot and 5 eggs every second year at Easter.


The same also holds 1 1/2 acres in Beklonde and 1 1/2 acres in

Garstonetofte, on payment therefore of 20d. at the Feast of St. Michael, and

if he have a whole or a half plough, then he shall plough, as his neighbours

do, three acres in winter and three in Lent, and he shall have for it 4d.; and

he shall harrow four of the said acres. And he shall load the lord's hay

every other year, and he shall stack corn in the lord's farm buildings; and he

shall find one man for one day for harvest service at Sutton in the autumn, or

he shall give 2d. and one man for harvest service at Crondal, and he shall

fence a quarter of a perch around the lord's court; and he shall give one hen

every other year at the Nativity, and 5 eggs every other year at Easter; and

he shall thrash half a bushel of corn every other year and convey it to

Winchester; and he shall carry manure from the cattle yard, and with others

make a heap of it; and he shall carry material for building and restoring the

((Page 115)) houses of the court; and he shall have the right of pasturing his

pigs, and shall give to the lord annual aid; and he cannot sell his horse or

his ox without leave, nor can he give his daughter in marriage without ransom.


Elvitha de la Strete holds half a virgate of land containing 14 1/2

acres, on payment therefore of 16 1/2d. at the four terms and 4 3/4d. for

pondpany, one churchscot of corn, and one hen every other year against the

Nativity, and 5 eggs every other year against Easter, and

she shall do in other respects as Simon Brounyng.


Simon Brownyng holds half a virgate of land containing 12 acres, on

payment therefore of 2s. at the Feast of St. Michael and 4 3/4d. for pondpany,

and one hen every other year against the Nativity, and 5 eggs against Easter

every second year, and he shall do all service in every respect as Elvitha de



The same also holds Ridessole containing 3 acres of encroachment, on

payment therefore of 2 plough lands' worth.


The same also holds 15 acres of encroachment in Berlegh, on payment

therefore of 7s. 6d. at the Feast of St. Michael.


William de la Lynche holds one virgate of land containing 2O 1/2 acres,

on payment therefore of 2s. 9d. at the four terms, and 9 3/4d. for pondpany,

one churchscot of corn; and one hen against the Nativity, and 5 eggs against

Easter, and he shall do all things as John Chapellayn.


Stephen Brownynge holds 10 acres of encroachments, on payment therefore

of 5s. 2d. yearly, and he shall find one man for one day for

harvest service at Crondal.


The same also holds one plot before his house on payment therefore of 3d.


William le Coleville holds one encroachment by charter, as he says, at

Berlegh, on payment therefore of 3s. at the Feast of St. Michael.


Richard le Frene and his neighbours pay 5s. at the Feast of St. Michael

for a pasture which is called Spineta.


Alan of the Oak holds 4 acres in Lupstone's Croft, on payment therefore

of 2s. on the Feast of St. Michael.


The whole village community holds one land which Richard Huldemele and

Henry de la Lynche, and John Bullok formerly held, on payment therefore

annually of 3s. 9d. at the Feast of St. Michael, of which Henry de la Lynche

pays 12d. for service.


Total of virgates in Swandrop, 12 1/2

Total payments, 71s. 1 1/2d. }

Total of pondpany, 9s. 11/4d. } Total of both, #4. 2s. 1 1/4d.

Total of churchscot of corn, 9 1/2.

Total of churchscot of hens, 20.

Total of vomers, 9.


((Page 116))

And it is to be noted that the aforesaid virgarii are bound to reap in

the autumn fifty acres, because 1 1/2 virgates are not liable for reaping.



Holders of a hide and a virgate.


Juliana de Aula holds one hide of land containing 106 acres of land and 3

acres of new encroachment before Yateley church, on payment therefore of 12s.

8d. yearly, and 3s. 2d. for pondpany, 4 stoups of honey and 2 hens against

Christmas and 20 eggs at Easter; and if she have a plough of her own, then she

shall plough 2 acres at winter sowing time, or give 12d., and likewise at Lent

sowing she shall plough 2 acres, or give 12d., and she shall harrow the

aforesaid 2 acres at both sowing times, and shall find one man to mow the

lord's meadows, and she shall carry the hay, and reap 20 acres at Nidrip in

the autumn, and shall weed with 16 men for one day, and shall fence a meadow

and four perches in the court, and shall find 6 men for 2 days for harvest

service at Sutton, and she shall personally superintend the reapers, and shall

find one man from her own house and one man from any tenant of hers for one

day for harvest service at Crondal, and she shall carry material for building

and entirely restoring the houses of the court, etc.; and she cannot give her

daughter in marriage without ransom.


Gilbert de la Stane holds half a hide of land containing 39 acres, on

payment therefore of 2s. 6d. yearly on the Feast of St. Michael, and 19d. for

pondpany, and 2 stoups of honey or 5s., one hen against Christmas and 10 eggs

against Easter, and he shall fence 2 perches around the lord's court, when

others have to fence by legal summons, and he shall do in all things for the

half hide of land as Juliana de Aula, or he shall give therefore yearly for

the release of his services 6s. 3d.


The same also holds 7 1/2 acres of new encroachment on payment therefore

of 3s. 2d. yearly on the Feast of St. Michael.


Thomas Cach and Jordan le Turnour hold one virgate of land containing 29

1/2 acres, on payment therefore of 2s. 10d. on the Feast of St. Michael, and 9

1/2d. for pondpany, and one stoup of honey containing 5 gallons, and shall

find one man for four days weeding, and together with other holders of a

virgate shall find one man with a scythe to mow the lord's meadows, and shall

reap 5 acres at Nidrip in Crondal, and shall find one man for 4 days for

harvest service at Sutton, or shall give 8d., and one man for one day for

harvest service at Crondal; and shall fence the meadows, and one perch in the

lord's court, and shall give one hen against Christmas and 5 eggs against

Easter, and shall find one cart for one day in the autumn for carrying, and

shall carry material for building and restoring the houses of the court.


((Page 117))

The same persons hold three acres of meadow out of the said virgate of

land at La Hale and Bernat.


Gilbert de Lentrigge holds one virgate of land containing 28 acres, and one

acre of new encroachment, on payment therefore of 3s. 4d. at the Feast of St.

Michael, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany and one stoup of honey, and one hen and 5

eggs against Easter, and he will in every respect perform all services as the

said Thomas Kach.


John de la Perke and Thomas Squel hold one virgate of land containing 22

acres, on payment therefore of 2s. 10d. on the Feast of St. Michael, and 9

1/2d, for pondpany, and one stoup of honey, and one hen and 5 eggs, and shall

perform all services like Thomas Kach.


The same Peter holds one acre of encroachment, and pays for it 4d., and

Robert Squel holds half an acre of encroachment, and pays for it 2d. at



Robert, son of Peter de la Pierke holds one acre of encroachment land on

paying therefore 4d. on the Feast of St. Michael.


Robert de la More holds one virgate of land containing 32 acres, on

payment therefore of 2s 10d., and 9 1/2d. per pondpany, and one stoup of

honey, and one hen and 5 eggs, and all other services like to the aforesaid

Thomas Cach.


Walter le White and Osbert de la Knelle hold one virgate of land

containing 29 1/2 acres on payment therefore of 2s. 2d. yearly on the Feast of

St. Michael, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and one stoup of honey, and one

churchscot of white corn, and one hen and 5 eggs, and half a scythe to mow the

lord's meadows, and they shall find one man for four days' weeding, and shall

perform all services like Thomas Kach.


The same Osbert holds 3 acres and one perch of encroachment in Westwood,

and 1 1/2 acres and one perch in Longmore, on payment therefore of 13d. on the

Feast of St. Michael.


The same Waiter le White holds 1 1/2 acres and one perch of encroachment

in West wood on payment of 7d. at the said term.


Roys de Pothulle and John le White hold one virgate of land containing 29

acres on payment therefore of 2s. 2d. at the Feast of St. Michael, and 9 1/2d.

for pondpany, and one stoup of honey, and one churchscot of white corn, and

one hen and 5 eggs, and all other services like Thomas Cach.


The same John holds one acre of encroachment on payment therefore of 4d.


John Palmere holds one acre of encroachment where his house is situated

on payment therefore of 4d. at the Feast of St. Michael.


Alicia Goudynge and William le White hold one virgate of land containing

16 acres, on payment therefore at the 3 terms of 2s., and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany, and one churchscot of white corn, and one stoup of ((Page 118)) honey,

and one hen and 5 eggs; and they shall find half a scythe for the lord's

meadows, and shall perform all services as the above Thomas Cach.


The same Alicia Goudynge holds half an acre of encroachment in la Strode

on payment therefore of 2d. on the Feast of St. Michael.


The same William holds one acre and a small plot on payment therefore of



William David and John de Forda hold one virgate of land containing 16

acres, on payment therefore of 2s. at the three terms, and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany, and one stoup of honey, and one churchscot of white corn, and one

hen and 5 eggs, and they have to mow and perform all services as the said

Alicia Goodynge and William le White.


The same William David holds 2 1/2 acres of encroachment and one small

detached piece of land on payment therefore of 10 1/2d.


The same John de Forda and William David hold one acre of encroachment on

payment therefore of 4d. yearly.


Hugo de la Plesamele and John de la Stroude hold One virgate of land

containing 12 1/2 acres, on payment therefore at the three terms of 2s., and 9

1/2d. for pondpany, and one stoup of honey, and one churchscot of white corn,

and one hen and 5 eggs, and lie shall perform all services as Alice Goudyng

and William le White.


John de la Stroude holds one acre of encroachment where his house is

situated on payment therefore of 4d.


The same John holds 2 acres of encroachment on payment therefore of 3d.



John de Bromham, senior, holds one virgate of land containing 17 acres on

payment therefore of 2s. at the three terms, 9 1/2 per pondpany, one stoup of

honey, one churchscot of white corn, and one hen and 5 eggs, and he must do in

all things as above.


The same John holds 5 acres of new encroachment on payment therefore of

20d. yearly at the Feast of St. Michael.


Gilbert de Bromham and John de Bromham hold one virgate of land

containing 18 acres, on payment therefore as above, of which the said John

pays a whole churchscot and the said Gilbert half.


The same pay 1 hen against Christmas and 5 eggs at Easter, and they shall

do in all things as the said Alicia Goudinge.


The same Gilbert, and John the son, and his brother the wheelwright, hold

2 1/2 acres of encroachment in Hormore, on payment therefore of 10d. at the

said term.


And John de Bromham, junior, holds 2 acres of encroachment around his

house, on payment therefore of 8d. at the said term.


Gilbert, son of Gonnilda, and Geoffry the Miller hold half an acre of

encroachment before the door of Geoffry Wolwrich, on payment of 2d.


((Page 119))

Cristina de la Sturte holds one virgate of land containing 18 acres, on

payment therefore of 2s. at the three terms, 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and half a

churchscot of white corn and one stoup of honey, and one hen and 5 eggs

against Easter. And she shall do in all things as the afore-named Alice



The same also holds 3 acres of encroachment, on payment therefore of 12d.

at the Feast of St. Michael.


William Bridge and Thomas de la Sturte hold one virgate of land

containing 18 1/2 acres, on payment therefore at the three terms at 2s., and 9

1/2d. for pondpany, one stoup of honey, one churchscot of white corn, one hen,

and 5 eggs.


The same William holds one acre and a half and one porch of encroachment,

on payment therefore of 7d.


The whole village community of Yatelegh gives to the lord 2s. as insute.


John de la Sturte holds one acre and one perch at Bredeford, on pay-ment

therefore at the said term of 5d.


Peter of Bromham holds 3 1/2 acres of encroachment, on payment therefore

at the Feast of St. Michael of 14d.


Stephen Cissor holds one plot where his house is situated.


John Bush and Juliana de la Worthe hold one virgate of land

containing....... , on payment therefore by the same John of 12d. at the Feast

of St. Michael, and by Juliana of 12d. at the three terms and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany, one stoup of honey, and one churchscot of white

corn, one hen and 5 eggs, and all services as above.


John Cross holds one plot before his door, on payment therefore at the

said term of 1d.


Jordan Gnaghebon holds 2 acres of encroachment in Churifold, on -payment

therefore at the said term of 8d.


Peter Bush holds 3 perches of encroachment where his house is situated,

and 1 1/2 acres on payment of 9d.


Ralph Hamelyn holds 2 acres of encroachment, on payment of 8d. at the

Feast of St. Michael.


Gilbert Gnaghebon holds half an acre of encroachment, on payment of 2d.

at the said term.


Osbert Hamelyn holds half an acre of encroachment where his house is

situated, on payment of 4d.


The same holds another now encroachment, on payment of 14d.


Peter Cach holds 2 acres of encroachment in Churifeld, on payment of 10d.

at the said term.


John the Miller holds 6 1/2 acres on payment of 26d.


Peter Fabian holds 1 1/2 acres and 3 perches of encroachment, on payment

of 9d.


((Page 120))

Juliana Skel holds one acre of encroachment on payment of 4d


Thomas de Marisco holds 2 acres on payment of 10d.


The same holds 1 1/2 acres on payment of 6d.


Hugo Heath holds 9 1/2 acres on payment of 3s. 4 1/2d. yearly.


Emma de la Lane holds 3 acres on payment of 12d.


William de Halle holds 1 1/2 acres on payment of 6d.


Ralph the Miller holds one encroachment on payment of 14d.


Total of rents, 79s. 4d. }

Total of pondpany, 15s. 10d. }

Total of honey, 20 stoups which are worth 50s }

Total of these three, #7. 5s. 2d.


Total of churchscot of white corn, 9.

Total of hens against Christmas, 17.

Item 2s. as Insute.


Be it noted that the aforesaid virgarii have to reap 95 acres in the





Robert de Brambesshate holds one hide of land on payment therefore of

20s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and 3s. 2d. for pondpany and one churchscot

of white corn, and if he have a plough of his own he shall plough 6 acres a

year; wherefore in lieu of plough service of 4 acres in winter he shall pay

2s. so long as the lord pleases. And instead of ploughing at the Lent service

he shall pay 8d., because he used to receive for the aforesaid 2 acres 4d. or

his dinner, and he shall weed for one day with 24 men until the ninth hour,

and he shall find one man with a scythe to mow the lord's meadows, and he

shall carry the lord's hay with 2 carts, and he shall reap 20 acres in the

autumn, and shall find 12 men for harvest service at Sutton for one day, or he

shall give 32d., and he shall find one man of any tenant of his for harvest

service at Crondall; and shall carry for 2 days with two carts in the autumn,

and shall give 2 hens at Christmas and 20 eggs at Easter, and he shall fence

meadows with others of the village and 4 perches in the lord's court, and

shall carry material to build and repair the houses of the court, and shall

give to the lord annual aid, and shall have the right of pasturing his pigs;

and he cannot sell his horse or his ox without leave, nor may he give his

daughter in marriage without ransom.


The same holds 4 acres on payment therefore of 15d. yearly.


William de Hallie holds half a hide of land on payment therefore of 5s.

on the Feast of St. Michael and 19d. for pondpany on the Feast of St. Andrew,

and 8 hens for church scot at the Feast of St. Martin, and he shall have the

right of pasturing his pigs, and he shall give 2 hens ((Page 121)) against

Christmas and 10 eggs at Easter, and he shall plough as Robert de

Brambesshate, and shall weed for one day with 12 men, and shall find one man

with a scythe for the lord's meadows, and shall carry hay with one cart, and

shall reap 10 acres in the autumn, and shall carry for two days with two carts

in the autumn, and shall fence a meadow of the lord, and 2 perches round the

lord's court, and shall find 8 men for harvest service at Sutton or shall give

16d., and he shall find 4 men for one day for harvest service at Crondall, and

shall give to the lord annual aid, and he cannot give his daughter in marriage

without ransom.


The same also holds very many detached pieces of land in Hallie,

Brambesshate, Alresshate, and an encroachment in Yatelegh, on payment

therefore of 10s. 8 1/2d. yearly at the said terms.


Peter Parmentarius holds half an acre and one perch on payment of 3d. at

the Feast of St. Michael.


Robert de la Hevesse hold 1 1/2 acres of encroachment on payment of

6d. at the said term.


William Draghebroch holds one little plot on payment of 2d. at the Feast

of St. Michael.


John the son of Faber, Stephen Draghebrech, Roger de Hallie, and William

le Hurt, hold one half hide of land on payment therefore of 5s. yearly at the

Feast of St. Michael, and 19d. for pondpany, and at the Feast of St. Martin 8

hens for churchscot, and 2 hens against Christmas and 10 eggs against Easter,

and they shall do, etc., as above.


The same John son of Faber holds one acre and one plot whore his farm

buildings are situated, on payment of 4d.


The same Stephen Draghebrech holds half an acre and one garden of

encroachment on payment therefore of 2 1/2d. at the said term.


The same Roger and William le Hurt hold 3 acres of encroachment in

Garston on payment of 4 plough lands' worth.


The same William holds one little plot on payment of 1d.


The aforesaid John son of Faber and the aforesaid Stephen Draghebroch pay

2 plough lands' worth for a certain pasture which is called Garston.


Alicia de Hallie holds one acre and one perch on payment of 5d. at the

Feast of St. Michael.


The whole Hide of Hallie pays the lord 12d. as Insute at the Feast of St.



William Algar holds certain detached pieces of new encroachment on

payment of 20d. at the Feast of St. Michael and one man for the lord's harvest

service in the autumn.


Imena de Bramsshate holds one acre and more of encroachment on payment of



((Page 122))

John Palmare holds 2 acres of encroachment on payment of 12d. at the said



John Wakeman holds one encroachment on payment of 4s. 4 1/2d. at the said



Robert Palmare holds one acre and one perch of encroachment on payment of

6d. at the said term.


Robert Robelot holds one acre and a half of encroachment on payment of

6d. at the said term.


William of Crawebrode holds one little plot on payment of 3d. at the said





William of Suthwode holds one virgate of land containing 27 1/2 acres on

payment therefore of 3s. at the Feast of St. Michael and 9 1/2d. for pondpany,

and 3 hens for churchscot at the Feast of St. Martin and 1 hen against

Christmas, 5 eggs at Easter and 2 vomers for pasture at Hockeday, and if he

have a plough of his own he shall plough as William de Hallye, and he shall

weed for 6 days with one man, and he shall find one man with a scythe to mow

the lord's meadow, and he shall carry hay, and fence a meadow and one perch in

the lord's court, and he shall carry material to build and repair the houses

of the court, and he shall have the right of pasturing his pigs; and he cannot

give his daughter in marriage without ransom.


The same William shall reap 5 acres at Nidrip in the autumn and shall

find 2 men for 2 days for harvest service at Sutton, or he shall give 8d.


The same holds certain encroachments in very many detached pieces, on

payment therefore of 5s. 8 1/2d. at the said term.


Juliana, the widow of Faber, holds one plot before her door, on payment

therefore of 1d. at the said term.


Ailward holds certain encroachments, on payment of 6s. 8 1/2d. on the

Feast of St. Michael.


William of Suthwode holds 16 acres of encroachments and other detached

pieces, on payment of 6s. 5d. and he shall find one man for one day for

harvest service at Crondal, nor can he have pigs without pasture-tax, and he

shall pay insute with others of the village.


Henry of Suthwode holds certain encroachments, on payment of

3s. 8d. on the Feast of St. Michael and one vomer at Hockeday.


John Hurt holds certain encroachments - let it be inquired into.


The whole Hamlet of Suthwode pays to the lord 12d. as insute.


Total payments, 78s. 2 1/2d.

Total for pondpany, 7s. 1 1/2d.

((Page 123))

Total of rents and pondpany, #4. 5s. 4d.

Item from pasture, 2s.

Total of churchscot of white corn, 1.

Total vomers, 10.

Total of hens, 27.

Total acres which the aforesaid men have to reap in autumn, 45.



Holders of a virgate.


William of Lynham holds one virgate of land containing 24 acres, on

payment therefore of 3s. and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and half a stoup of honey,

and one churchscot of white corn at F. of S. Martin and 2 hens at the Feast of

St. Martin, and one hen against Christmas and 5 eggs against Easter, and if he

have a plough of his own then he shall plough 2 acres at winter sowing, or

give 12d. and one acre at harvest service, or give 4d., and in like manner he

shall plough 2 acres at Lent sowing, or shall give 12d. and one acre at

harvest service, or shall give 4d., and he shall harrow the aforesaid 2 acres

at both sowing times, and besides he shall harrow one acre of Consteggyng, and

shall weed with one man for 6 days, and shall find one man with a scythe to

mow the lord's meadows, and shall load hay and carry it, and shall fence a

meadow and one perch in the lord's court, and shall reap 5 acres at Crondal in

the autumn, and shall find 4 men for harvest service at Sutton for one day, or

shall give 8d. and one man for harvest service at Crondal for 2 days, and he

shall carry for 2 days in the autumn, and shall thrash 1 1/2 bushels of corn,

and shall convey it to Winchester, or give 2d., and shall set up 16 pooks of

corn, and in each pook there shall be 5 sheaves, and he shall carry material

to build and repair the houses of the court and shall give to the lord annual

aid, and he cannot sell his horse or his ox without the lord's leave, and he

cannot give his daughter in marriage without ransom.


The same holds one plot of encroachment before the door of Faber, on

payment of 1 1/2d. yearly.


William of Cranemore holds 10 acres of encroachment, on payment therefore

of 4s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and he shall find one man for one day in

the autumn for the lord's harvest service.


Robert de la Forde and Walter de la Dene hold one virgate of land

containing 18 acres, on payment of 2s. at the Feast of St. Michael and 9 1/2d.

for pondpany, one churchscot of white corn, and one hen and 5 eggs against

Easter, and with the exception of the honey and the 2 hens, they shall do all

service as the said William de Lynham.


((Page 124))

The same Robert holds certain acres of encroachment on payment of 20d.


The same Walter holds certain encroachments on payment of 9d.


Adam the Clerk and Margaret of Overescumbe hold one virgate of land

containing 29 acres on payment therefore of 2d. on the Feast of St. Michael,

and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and one churchscot of white corn, and one hen and 5

eggs, and they shall do all service in every respect as the said Robert de la



The same Margaret holds certain encroachments on payment of 2s. 1d.



The same Adam holds certain encroachments on payment of 4s.


Elias Wille holds one virgate of land containing 19 acres on payment of

3s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and half a

churchscot of white corn, and one hen and 5 eggs, and he shall do all service

like William of Lynham, with the exception of the honey, and he shall find

(men) for 2 days for harvest service at Sutton, or shall give 4d.


The same holds certain encroachments on payment of 23 1/2d annually.


John of Lynham and Hugo Gilbert and Robert de la Prege hold one virgate

of land containing 31 acres on payment of 3s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and

9 1/2 for pondpany, and half a churchscot of white wheat, and 1 hen and 5

eggs, and all other services like Elias Wille.


The same John holds certain encroachments on payment of 4s. 4d.


The same Hugo holds certain encroachments on payment of 2s. 11 1/2d.


The same Robert holds certain encroachments on payment of 17d. yearly.


Warren le Achatour (the purveyor) holds one virgate of land containing 16

acres on payment of 2s. at the Feast of St. Michael and 9 1/2d. for pondpany,

and half a churchscot of white wheat, and 5 eggs, and he shall do in all

things as the said Elias Wille, and he shall find one man for 2 days for

harvest service at Sutton, and shall reap 2 1/2 acres in the autumn in Nidrip



The same holds 8 1/2 acres of encroachment on payment of 4s. 3d. at the

Feast of St. Michael.


Adam de Estfelde holds one virgate of land containing 36 1/2 acres on

payment of 2s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and half

a churchscot of white wheat, and two hens for churchscot, and one hen against

Christmas, and 5 eggs at Faster. And he shall perform all services in every

respect as Warren the Purveyor.


The same holds certain certain encroachments, on payment of 9s. 1d.

yearly, because Robert de la Preye holds a certain detached piece of

encroachment for which he used to pay 2d.

((Page 125))


William the Carpenter holds certain encroachments on payment of 12d., and

he shall find one man for one day for harvest service at Crondal.


Warren de Aula holds half a hide of land containing 63 1/2 acres, on

yearly payment of 7s. 6d. at the Feast of St. Michael, and 19d. for pondpany,

and one churchscot of white wheat, and 2 hens against Christmas, and 5 eggs

against Easter, and if he have a plough, then he shall plough at winter and

Lent, sowing the same as others, and he shall harrow Donstlond, and shall find

2 scythes to mow the lord's meadows, and 2 men for loading, and 2 carts for

carrying, and he shall reap 10 acres in Crondal at Nidrip, and shall weed for

one day with 12 men, and shall carry in the autumn with 2 carts for two days,

and shall find one man for harvest service at Crondal, and two men for two

days for harvest service at Sutton, and he shall personally superintend the

reapers, or give 12d., and he shall make up 32 pooks of corn, and shall thrash

3 bushels of corn, and shall convey it to Winchester, or give 4d., and he

shall fence a meadow, and two perches in the lord's court, and he shall carry

material for the repair and re-construction of the houses of the Court, and he

cannot sell his horse nor his beast, nor give his daughter in marriage without



Robert de Estfeld holds one virgate of land containing 26 acres on

payment of 2s. at 3 terms, and one stoup of honey, at the Feast of St.

Michael, and 9 1/2d for pondpany, and one churchscot of white wheat, and one

hen and five eggs, and if he have a plough then he shall plough as William of

Lynham, and he shall perform all services as the said William of Lynham.


The same holds certain encroachments on payment of 15d.


William de Estfelde holds one virgate of land containing 22 1/2 acres on

payment therefore and doing as the above-named Robert.


The same William holds certain encroachments on payment of 21d.


The aforesaid Warren de Aula holds certain encroachments on payment of 13



Hugo the Miller holds one virgate of land containing 23 acres on paying

and doing in all things the same as the said Robert of Estfelde.


The same Hugo the Miller holds certain encroachments on payment of 3s.



William son of Gonnilda and Galfrid Levesone and John son of Matildis,

and Emma a widow, hold one virgate of land containing 27 1/2 acres on paying

and doing as the said Robert of Estfelde.


The same John holds one encroachment on payment of 6 1/2d.


The same William hold one encroachment on payment of 17d. at the Feast of

St. Michael.


((Page 126))

The above-named Emma holds one encroachment on payment of 2 1/2d.


Ralph le Wychare and Robert le Wychare hold one virgate of land

containing 24 acres on payment of 2s. at the 3 terms, and 15d. at the Feast of

St. Michael, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and one churchscot of white wheat and

one hen and 5 eggs, and they shall perform all services as William of Lynham.


Ralph, above-mentioned, holds certain encroachments on payment of 2s.



The same Robert le Wychare holds certain encroachments on payment of 2s.



John Aylward holds one virgate of land containing 19 1/2 acres on paying

and doing in all things as Ralph and Robert above-named.


The same holds certain encroachments on payment yearly of 18d.


Hugo Wise, Robert Wise, and Richard le Bil, hold one encroachment on

payment of 3d.


The whole village gives to the lord 2s. 6d. at the Feast of St. Martin as



William de Hallie holds 8 acres of encroachments on payment of 4d. at the

Feast of St. Michael.


Matildis de Cranemore holds 12 acres of encroachment on payment of 5s. at

the Feast of St. Michael.


Robert Crollyng holds one acre and a half of encroachment on payment of

9d. at the said term.


Edmond of Lynham holds 3 1/2 acres on payment of 21d. at the said term.


Adam of Estfelde holds 2 acres called Stonyakres in the Common field of

Estfelde on rendering 8d. of payment.


William Long holds one acre of encroachment on payment of 8d.


Stephen Crollyng holds half an acre of encroachment on payment of 4d.


Hugo Crollyng holds one perch of encroachment on payment of 2d.


Robert of Bramsshate holds 2 acres of encroachment near the bridge.


John le Honte holds 1 1/2 acres and one perch of encroachment on payment

of 6 1/2d.


Philip de la Hethe holds 4 1/2 acres of encroachment on payment of 2s.



The Monks of Waverlye hold 31 acres of encroachment on payment of 4s. 3d.

at the said Feast of St. Michael.


Stephen Coc holds 6 acres and one plot of encroachment on payment of 2s.

9d. at the said term.


Richard Tongham holds 3 acres of encroachment on payment of 18d. at the

said term.


Walter de la Rude holds one acre of encroachment on payment of 4d.


((Page 127))

John Andrew holds 3 acres of encroachment on payment of 9d. at the said



Osbert de la Hethe holds 3 acres of encroachment on payment of 18d.


William son of Gonde holds half an acre of encroachment on payment of 8

1/2d. at the said term, and he holds another encroachment.


Peter Money holds certain encroachments containing 52 acres and other

encroachments which he holds by charter on payment at the Feast of St. Michael

of 2s. 4d. to "my lord the Infirmary" of the Church of St. Swithun at

Winchester and to the court of Crondal 10s.


Robert Bridge holds certain new encroachments on payment of 20d. at the

Feast of St. Michael.


Matildis widow of Jordan holds 2 acres less one perch on payment of 7d.

at the said term.


Total of acres which they must reap in the autumn, 80.

Total of hens, 18.

Total of virgates, 16.

Total of payments, #7. 2s. 4d.

Total of pondpany, 12s. 8d.

Total of stoups of honey, 4 1/2.

Total of churchscot of white wheat, 13 1/2.

Total of payments, pondpany, and honey, #8. 6s. 3 1/2d.

Item 2s. 6d. for pasturage.




Holders of a virgate.

Juliana Thurgood holds one virgate of land containing 22 acres by the

perch on payment therefore of 18d. annually, and one stoup and a half of

honey, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and one churchscot of corn, and one hen

against Christmas and 5 eggs at Easter. And if she have a plough of her own

then shall she plough 2 acres at winter sowing, and shall have nothing for it;

and she shall plough likewise in winter and have 2d., and she shall plough 2

acres at Tremesium and have nothing for it, and she shall plough a third acre

and have 2d., and 4 of the aforesaid acres she shall harrow, and in Lent she

shall harrow one acre at Donstlond, and she shall carry seed from the lord's

court to sow the aforesaid four acres, and if she have not a plough of her

own, then she shall plough according to the share which she has in the plough

of her neighbour, whether she have the moiety of the plough or the third part,

and she shall find one man in the autumn for the great harvest services of the

lord, and shall give annual aid; and she shall find 2 men for 2 days for

harvest service at Sutton, or she shall ((Page 128)) give 8d.; and she cannot

sell her horse or her ox as it is ordained without the lord's leave; and she

shall have the right of pasturing her pigs; and she cannot give her daughter

in marriage without ransom.


The same holds 2 1/2 acres and half a perch on payment therefore of 2s.

1d. at the Feast of St. Michael, and she shall carry twice in the year, and

she shall thrash a bushel and a half of corn against Christmas, and shall

carry it to Winchester; and she shall carry material for building and

restoring the houses of the court, and she shall find one man to spread and

load the lord's hay in the lord's meadows and she shall carry the lord's hay

with her cart, and in the autumn she shall reap five acres and tie and put up

in stacks, and she shall carry for 2 days in the autumn, and she shall set up

16 pooks of corn, and in every pook there shall be 5 sheaves, and she shall

find one man in winter to carry manure out of the cattle yard when the lord's

beasts have to he stalled in the cattle yard. And on the coming of the lord

Prior, or his steward, she shall find food for the use of the Prior himself or

his steward. And she shall fence one perch of the hedge around the lord's

court, and in like manner she shall fence the lord's meadows together with

others of the hundred.


Walter of Childewelle and Robert of Lokwich hold one virgate of land on

payment therefore of 18d. at three terms, and one stoup of honey and a half

and one churchscot of corn, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and one hen against

Christmas and 5 eggs at Easter, and they shall perform service in every

respect as the said Juliana Thurgood.


Robert le Fotour holds one messuage and one acre on payment therefore of

3s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and he shall find one man for two days for

harvest service in the autumn.


Walter le Tannere and William le Masson hold 2 1/2 acres and half a perch

of encroachment on payment therefore of 2s. 1d. at the said term.


Peter de Moneta (money) holds 6 acres of encroachment at Lucwych on

payment therefore of 3s. at the Feast of St. Michael.


William de Stupa and Agnes de Stupa hold one virgate of land containing

20 acres on payment therefore of 18d. at three terms and 9 1/2d. for pondpany,

and one churchscot of corn and one stoup and a half of honey, and one hen

against Christmas and 5 eggs at Easter, and shall perform the same service in

every respect as the said Juliana Thurgood.


Nicolas Pet holds one virgate of land containing 18 1/2 acres and one

perch on payment therefore of 18d. at the 3 terms, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany

and one stoup and a half of honey, and one hen against Christmas and 5 eggs

against Easter, and one churchscot of corn, and he shall perform the same

service in every respect as the said Juliana Thurgood.


((Page 129))

Stephen Palmer holds one virgate of land containing 21 1/2 acres and one

perch on payment therefore at the three terms of 18d., and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany and 1 1/2 stoups of honey and one churchscot of corn, one hen and 5

eggs, and he shall perform the same service in every respect as the said

Juliana Thurgood.


Geoffry the younger, holds one virgate of land containing 30 acres on

payment therefore of 18d. at the said terms, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and one

stoup of honey and one churchscot of corn, and one hen against Christmas and 5

eggs against Easter, and he shall perform the same service in every respect as

the aforesaid Juliana Thurgood.


Emma de la Hacche holds one virgate of land containing 2O 1/2 acres and

one perch on payment therefore of 18d. at the three terms and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany, and one stoup and a half of honey and half a churchscot of corn, and

one vomer instead of a certain road-repair; item instead of the same road she

pays 3d. at the Feast of St. Michael, and she shall perform in every respect

the same service as the aforesaid Juliana.


Herbert the Forester and John Garland hold one virgate of land containing

17 1/2 acres, and one perch, on payment therefore of 18d. at the three terms,

and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and half a churchscot of corn, and one stoup and a

half of honey, and one hen and 5 eggs, and they shall perform the same service

as the said Juliana.


The same Herbert holds four acres of encroachment, on payment therefore

of 2s. 9 1/4d. at the Feast of St. Michael.


Osbert de la Hulle holds one virgate of land containing 23 acres on

payment therefore of 2s. 1d. at the Feast of St. Michael, and 9 1/2d. for

pondpany, and a fourth part of a stoup of honey, and half a churchscot of

corn, and one hen and 5 eggs, and he shall perform the same service as the

said Juliana.


John of Sandforde holds one virgate of land containing 28 acres on

payment therefore of 2s. 1d. yearly, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and a quarter

of a stoup of honey, and half a churchscot of corn, and one hen and 5 eggs,

and he shall perform the same service as the said Juliana Thurgood.


The same holds half an acre of encroachment, on payment therefore of 4



Alicia of Farnham holds one messuage and one croft together with a

curtilage (or a kitchen garden) on payment therefore of 12d. at the Feast of

St. Michael.


Edmund de Bosco and William de Bosco hold 2 cot-lands which were formed

out of one virgate of land which Adam de Bosco formerly held, on payment

therefore of 16s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and 6d. for pondpany, and 3

hens for churchscot at the Feast of St. Martin.


((Page 130))



Nicholas of Dupehal holds one hide of land on payment therefore at the

Feast of St. Michael of 20s. and one stoup of honey.


Robert of Clere holds five virgates of land, on payment therefore of 7

1/2 stoups of honey at the Feast of St. Michael.


The same holds half an acre of encroachment in Strode on payment

therefore of 3d.


Robert de Moneta holds certain encroachments in many detached pieces of

land, on payment therefore at the Feast of St. Michael to the lord Prior of

14d., and at the same term of 13s. 4d. to the lord Infirmary at Winchester.


Walter Dymars holds one large encroachment and half an acre in another

place in La Strode, on payment therefore of 4s. 9d. at the Feast of St.



Geoffry the Marshall holds 10 acres of encroachment on payment therefore

of 8s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and for a small plot newly acquired, 3d. a



Walter de la Stupe holds 4 1/2 acres on payment therefore of 3s. 6 1/2d.

at the Feast of St. Michael.


Robert Chadelye and Godefrid of Farnham hold 5 acres on payment of 4s. at

the said term.


William of Hayward holds one acre of encroachment in la Strode, on

payment of 6d. at the Feast of St. Michael.


Emma, the widow of Faber, holds one messuage and 3 acres of land on

payment therefore of 6s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and she shall find one

man for one day for the lord's harvest service in the autumn.


Total payments, #4. 15s. 8 3/4d.

Total pondpany, 8s. 5d.

Total stoups of honey, 23 1/2, of which 8 1/2 stoups are sent down to

Winchester, being deducted from the rent of Robert of Clere and Nicholas of

Dupehal, and the remaining 15 stoups of honey are worth 37s. 6d.

Total payments, pondpany, and honey, #7. 19 3/4d.

Total churchscot of corn of white wheat, 8.

Total hens against Christmas, 14.


Total virgates which the freeholders and villagers hold in Dupehal, 23.

Total acres which the said men must reap in autumn, 70.

Total acres which the aforesaid men shall harrow in Donstlond, 15.


((Page 131))




Hugh of Wyggeworthhale holds one virgate of land containing 16 acres on

payment therefore, at the 3 terms, of 9d. and 4 3/4d. for pondpany, and half a

churchscot of white corn, one stoup of honey, half a hen, and 5 eggs at Easter

every other year. And if he have a plough of his own then he shall plough 2

acres at winter sowing time and shall harrow them, and he shall plough one

acre and have for it 2d. And he shall do in like manner at the Lenten sowing

time; and he shall find one man for 2 days for harvest service at Sutton, or

shall give 4d., and he shall find one man for harvest service at Crondal, and

he shall carry for one day in the autumn and shall carry copse wood once in

the year, and shall carry material for building and repairing the houses of

the court, and shall have the right of pasturing his pigs and shall give

annual aid. And he shall weed for 3 days with one man. And he cannot sell his

horse or his ox, nor give his daughter in marriage without the lord's leave,

as aforesaid concerning others. And he shall perform all other services as

the other villagers.


The same holds certain encroachments on payment therefore of 10s. 5d. at

the Feast of St. Michael.


Emma of Wyggeworthhale holds half a virgate of land containing 16 acres

on payment therefore of 9d. at the three terms and 4 3/4d. for pondpany, and

one and a half stoup of honey and a churchscot of white corn, and half a hen

against Christmas and 5 eggs at Easter every other year. And she shall perform

all other services as the aforesaid Hugh.


The same holds certain encroachments on payment therefore of 11s. 6d. and

one plough land's worth.


Robert de la Broke holds 1/2 a virgate of land containing 3 acres and one

perch on payment of 9d. at the 3 terms and 4 3/4d. for pondpany, and half a

stoup of honey and half a church scot of white corn. And he shall do in every

respect as the said Hugh.


The same holds 2 turf moors which contain 3 acres on payment therefore of

3 plough-lands' worth.


Alicia, the widow of Kyng, holds half a virgate of land containing 11 1/2

acres on payment therefore of 9d. at the three terms and 4 3/4d. for pondpany,

and half a stoup of honey and half a churchscot of white corn, and half a

plough-land's worth and half a hen, and 5 eggs every other year; and she shall

do as the said Hugh.


The same holds 2 acres in Kyngesmore on payment therefore of one plough-

land's worth.


William Rufus and Robert son of John hold one virgate of land containing

32 acres on payment therefore of 18d. at the three terms and ((Page 132)) one

stoup of honey, and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and one churchscot of white corn and

one plough-land's worth, and one hen and 5 eggs. And they shall do in every

respect as the other customary tenants.


The same William holds certain encroachments on payment therefore

of 13d.


The same Osbert (sic.) holds 2 1/2 acres of new encroachment on payment

therefore of 15d. at the Feast of St. Michael.


Thomas de la Hethe and Hugh de Gardino hold one virgate of land

containing 32 acres on payment therefore of 18d. at the 3 terms, and one stoup

of honey and 9 1/2d. for pondpany, and one churchscot of white corn and one

ploughland's worth, and one hen and 5 eggs, and they shall do in every respect

as the said Hugh.


The same Thomas holds certain encroachments on payment therefore of 15d.

at the Feast of St. Michael.


The same Hugh holds certain encroachments on payment of 3 ploughlands'

worth, 3 hens, and 3d. at the said term.


Peter Aghemond holds half a virgate of land containing 18 acres on

payment therefore of 10s. at the Feast of St. Michael, and if he have a plough

then he shall plough as the said Hugh, and he shall have the right of

pasturing his pigs, and it is to be noted that he (pays) neither pondpany nor

churchscot, as he says.


The same holds 3 acres and one perch of encroachment before his house on

payment therefore of 19 1/2d.


Robert Couche holds 17 acres of encroachment on payment of 6s. 9d. at the

Feast of St. Michael, because certain land of his is in the lord's hands, for

which he used to pay 3 plough-lands' worth.


William Molendarius (the Miller) holds 3 acres and one messuage and

another encroachment on payment of 23 1/2d.


John Coche holds 13 acres on payment of 6s. 6d.


Matildis, the widow of Dipedol, holds 8 1/2 acres on payment of 4s. 3d.

at the Feast of St. Michael.


Nicolas de Molendino holds 2 1/2 acres on payment of 15d. at the said

term, and is free from all services.


Robert Parmentarius holds 31 1/2 acres in many detached pieces, on

payment of 15s. 9 1/2d. at the said term.


Alan of the Oak holds 15 acres on payment of 11s. 4 1/2d. at the said



Osbert de la Virue holds one messuage and 5 acres of encroachment on

payment of 3s. 6d. at the said term.


Roger Aghemond holds certain encroachments containing 4 1/2 acres on

payment of 26 1/2d.


((Page 133))

Thomas de la Strete holds certain encroachments on payment of 20d. at the

said term.


Reginald de la Garston holds certain encroachments on payment of 10 1/2d.


William de la Burgh holds one messuage and 19 1/2 acres and certain

encroachments on payment of 11s. 7d. at the said term, and whether he ploughs

or not he shall give for a plough-land yearly 9d.


John de la Firne holds 12 1/2 acres on payment therefore of 6s. at the

said term.


Osbert the Wheelwright holds 4 1/2 acres on payment of 2s. 0 1/2d. at the

said term.


Richard the Carpenter holds one acre of encroachment on payment of 6d. at

the said term.


John, the son of Blakemon, holds half an acre of encroachment on payment

of 3d. at the said term.


Robert de la Broke holds 3 1/2 acres and one perch of encroachment on

payment of 18d. at the said term.


John de la Broke holds 8 acres of encroachment on payment of 4s. at the

Feast of St. Michael.


Alicia, the widow of Blakeman, holds half a virgate of land and certain

encroachments on payment therefore of 9s. 1d. at the said term and 4 1/2d. for

pondpany, and 4 hens and one hen for churchscot, and one hen against Christmas

every other year, and 5 eggs against Easter every other year. And if she have

a plough then she shall plough as the said Hugh of Wyggeworthale. And she

shall find one man for harvest service at Sutton for 2 days and one man for

harvest service at Crondal, etc.


Richard Blakeman holds 4 acres on payment of 16d. at the said term.


Robert Wen holds 5 acres on payment of 2s. 7d. In like manner he holds

one messuage.


Rudulphe Hethe holds 5 1/2 acres of encroachment on payment of 2s. 9d. at

the said term.


John de la Heth holds 2 1/2 acres on payment of 10d. at the said term.


Geoffry de la Hethe holds 2 1/2 acres on payment of 10d. at the said



Editha, widow of Herbert, holds 3 1/2 acres, on payment of 21d. at the

Feast of St. Michael.


Simon of Asshwelle holds one acre on payment of 6d. at the said term.


((Page 134))

Richard Wysdon holds half a virgate of land containing 16 acres on

payment of 4s. 4d. at the Feast of S. Michael and 4 3/4d. for pondpany, and

two hens for churchscot and 2 plough-lands' worth, and half a hen against the

Nativity and five eggs every other year against Easter; and he shall plough as

the said Hugh of Wyggeworthale, and he shall receive as he does, and he shall

perform all other services, etc.


The same holds 63 1/2 acres, which were in his ancient occupation, and

were found to be over and above his said virgate, and (included) in many

encroachments, on payment therefore of 20s. 1d. at the said term.


Edmund Capellanus (Chaplain) holds 37 acres of encroachment on payment of

14s. at the said term, and he shall give yearly 9d. for a plough-land.


Ralph of Pilecote holds 35 acres in encroachment on payment of 17s. 6d.

at the said term.


The same holds one plot on a new payment of 1d.


William of Pilecote holds a quarter of one virgate of land containing 10

acres, on payment of 8s. at the four terms of the year, and he shall give

annual aid to the lord together with others of the Hundred, and he shall find

one man for harvest service at Crondal.


The same holds 10 acres of encroachment on payment therefore of 4s. 1d.

at the Feast of St. Michael.


Nicholas le Coupare (basket maker) holds 5 1/2 acres on payment of 2s.

10d. at the said term.


Stephen the Little holds one acre on payment of 6d.


Thomas, son of Osbert, holds one plot on payment of 1d. at the said term.


William de Sucke gives to the lord 12d. yearly, to be allowed to hold 6

acres through the rents of Hugh of Wyggeworthale.


The whole village community of Crokham gives to the lord 2s. for herbage

at the Feast of St. Martin.





Johanna of Cauz holds one encroachment on payment of 5s. at the Feast of

St. Michael and two silver spoons at Winchester on the Feast of St. Swythun of

the value of 2s. 6d.


The same holds 5 1/2 acres of encroachment in La Feldmede on payment of

22 1/2d. at the said term.


Henry de la Burgh holds 5 acres of land with appurtenances and certain

encroachments by Charter, which were formerly (the property) of Edmund de la

Burghe, on payment of 9s. at the Feast of St. Michael.


((Page 135))

Total payments of Crokham, #14. 8s. 8 1/2d.

Total for pondpany, 3s. 11 1/2d.

Total stoups of honey, 5, and they are estimated at the value of 12s. 6d.

Sum total of payments together with pondpany and honey, #15. 5s. 2d.

Item for herbage, 2s.

Total churchscot of white corn, 4.

Total hens, 12. Total vomers, 13.

Total acres which have to be reaped in the autumn, 25, because half a

virgate of land which Peter Aghemond holds is not liable to reap as he says.

Total acres which have to be reaped by men of the Hundred according to

custom, 365.

Grand total of payments together with pondpany and honey, #53. 7s.

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