

Page history last edited by Peter Tipton 11 years, 3 months ago

Yateley Society Local History Exhibitions

2005: The Haven home for Unmarried Mothers

Wordcount including picture captions: 1,955


NB Yateley Library has now been completely refurbished. In 2005, due to health and safety restrictions, we were restricted to a single display board (back and front) instead of the 4 to 6 boards of previous years. The exhibition was therefore designed to encourage attendance at the 6th Library Lecture. The lecture was given by Dr Richard Johnston, who carried out all the research for the exhibition. He was assisted by Elizabeth Tipton, who read extracts from the Haven promotional filmstrip. The Lecture was attended by many people who had been born at the Haven, some of whom travelled considerable distances -- such as from Burton-on-Trent, Taunton and several from Winchester, including a reunited mother and son. The lecture was also attended by former members of staff.


Introduction to Exhibition


Board 1: The House that became The Haven


Board 2: Kerala to Greenhaven

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Boards 3 & 4: Baptist Home for Unmarried Mothers: 1945 to 1970

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Board 1 was displayed until May 10th 2005 then replaced by Board 4

Board 2 was displayed on May 19th until 26th, then replaced by Board 3 until the end of Local History Month


Poster for 2005 Library Lecture and Exhibition


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