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on May 3, 2008 at 6:22:29 pm



This website is provided by the Yateley Society as a public service. The content is the copyright of the Yateley Society and the authors. You may copy the content for personal non-commercial purposes, and all we require is that you acknowledge the source as the Yateley Society. All other uses require written permission - Contact the Yateley Society here.


The Society is a Civic Trust which is a registered charity. One of the four object clauses of its constitution is to educate the public in the geography, history, natural history and architecture of the area of benefit. Publication of the Society's research on this website helps to fulfil its charitable objectives.



Yateley's myths and legends have captured the imagination of generations of Yateley folk. We started to research the most wellknown in the autumn of 1998, covering topics from pre-history to the 20th century, both about Yateley's past and our present flora and fauna. Our mission was to prove each story TRUE or FALSE.


We called the exhibition Yateley: Fact and Fiction, and initially intended to mount it at the May Fayre. But in early 1999 the Yateley Society was asked to mount a local history exhibition in Yateley Library and provide a talk to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the Hampshire Library Service in Yateley.


The ever expanding exhibition was displayed three times: from July 1999 at an open day at Yateley Industries, to mid 2000 in St Peter's Church as part of their Millennium Flower Festival. It was displayed in Yateley Library for five weeks in September and October 1999.


This website will initially consist of the text from the display cards written for these Yateley: Fact and Fiction exhibitions. Of course there are some revisions in the light of new research. Other topics are being added, but there is still a long list of topics still to be started.


If you are interested in contributing to the continuing research please let us know. On the other hand if you have a question about Yateley's past which you think will be of general interest just put it to us....




The Website is not very clearly structured at the moment, because of the way it has been developed, and the need to organise it with better structure has been recognised. At the moment, there are at least seven ways to access the material on this website:


  • USING THE SEARCH ENGINE: at the top right of any web page. Try typing in fish then , then reading the articles in the results. At the moment, this is by the far the best way if you are interested in finding material on a particular topic.


  • USING THE SIDEBAR: At the top are the main entry points to the site, and aklso the addresses of the YateleySociety website and the website of the Heathland History Group. Below deals with Yateley's Myths and Legends: just click on the title of the article. When you get to the end click on TIME LINE to go to the next article in chronological order, or continue to use the SideBar.


  • IN DATE ORDER: For those of you who would like to read your history in a more conventional way, in date-order starting in prehistory and ending up at the present day, click on Time Line. You will find a Time Line link at the end of each article: click on it to find the next article. (NB This does not provide access all the information on the website).


  • THE ORIGINAL EXHIBITIONS & TALKS: Material from other Society exhibitions, lectures and talks is being added to the website and accessible as Local History Exhibitions


  • HISTORY OF YATELEY'S BUILDINGS: Material is now being assembled from the Society's files to record the history of Yateley's Listed Buildings and other historic buildings and sites which may be listable following the passage of new legislation through Parliament. Much of this material was originally assembled for Planning Inquiries.


  • A DICTIONARY OF YATELEY BIOGRAPHY: For several years members have been working on the biographies of Yateley's residents. Some Yateley people already have their biographies recorded in the new Oxford on-line Dictionary of National Biography. Others have come to us from family historians. We are starting to write more biographies from the lowliest to the most exalted.


  • YATELEY INSTITUTIONS All communities create institutions such as churches, schools and hospitals, whioch leave their mark in the landscape, as well as clubs and societies, which often do not


  • ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS & RECORDS: The origin of this website is material written for exhibitions, but this was sourced from primary documents. We have started to add scans and transcripts of original documents and records to this website.


  • OLD YATELEY IN PICTURES If you are seeking old (or even some more recent) pictures of Yateley, then some can be found for sale off-site at our Photobox gallery



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(C) The Yateley Society 2008 All rights reserved. This material may be used for private non-commercial use only. All other uses require written permission.


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